Message from @Chalin
Discord ID: 378161427229179916
so that's why I said they love masturbation in public I
@Sn0w ❄ You are a muslim too, mixed baby, I thought your religion of peace was for cooperation.
Does dangerlurking do anything but bait?
Nope. Nothing other than bait
then again I can't see his posting unless I'm on my phone
I unblocked him yesterday
How convienent is that? Literally putting your hands over your ears and pretending I don't exist, how childish.
did he say anything there
He's upset
oh crap
My ping wasn't what he said
let me go see what he said
He's called you childish
No point in not blocking him
Yeah but on my pc, I don't get the blocked button popping up. Betterdiscord removes it completely
So I can only see him when I'm on my phone
what did he do 🤔
@羅大哥toni They really hate me.
So I guess they are taking the 5 year old route.
There's no point in communicating with someone who's just looking for arguments
@Sn0w ❄ >Says this while in a political discord
You aren't looking for political debate though
You're monomindedly focused on ad hominem
because of Different political ideas? @Deleted User
@Chalin It is strange to me, how many contradictions you tend to have in your beliefa and your actual personalities, it really sticks out like a sore thumb.
@羅大哥toni Reword that question.
Let me throw on my actual nick
Instead of my username
That's better
Next person who posts is a gay Muslim communist brony