Message from @Su
Discord ID: 378349602631581707
its time to take a shower
little did u know
that is actually a gas chamber
so ur stuck
with a bunch of fucking cunts
thats have curly hair
now its time for me to leave
cause i need to touch my dick that is bare
Nigger ^
Your nick does not match your profile picture
I'm triggered
coming from a weeb
at least I am a person
Hi I'm a brony
I'm a clown.
Nice to meet you.
I love it.
People like you are fucking great. Sadly they're relatively few and far between
I bet Allah is pretty chill, but Muslims are so uptight.
Quran is a solid read, but then they tack on all this other shit. Like, why mate? You just got given the perfect revelation and it's not enough for you?
I agree. They add all kinds of random stuff to Islam like covering up and growing beards and stoning. It just makes a mess
Ya ever just see a bunch of niggers
Sitting around
And just turn the other way
Nice LARPing. But I don't think you kids go outside much.
@chill with that shit Why do you turn the other way
Virgin White Nationalist.
I aint white
Ay you get it @Deleted User
Oh, you're Italian.
Im a jew l