Message from @chill with that shit

Discord ID: 389173505423441920

2017-12-09 21:42:04 UTC  


2017-12-09 21:42:27 UTC  

My friend is often on that board

2017-12-09 21:45:25 UTC  

Well I was browsing the board (as I occasionally do) when I saw this thread:

2017-12-09 21:45:52 UTC  

@Gary >A shitty leftpol discord attempts to derail a 4chan thread.

2017-12-09 21:45:59 UTC  

I was thinking we edit their propaganda message a bit so it backfires on them.

2017-12-09 21:47:11 UTC  

How u gonna do that?

2017-12-09 21:49:07 UTC  

@chill with that shit Not sure hence the message.

2017-12-09 21:50:37 UTC

2017-12-09 21:50:40 UTC  


2017-12-09 21:50:41 UTC  

According to their thread we have about a week before they start posting this crap, any ideas will be welcome.

2017-12-09 21:50:59 UTC  

Nah fam already 14 posts @Gary

2017-12-09 21:54:34 UTC  

Maybe we can edit it so that the hand is brown that way, they're racist? IDK

2017-12-09 21:55:00 UTC  


2017-12-09 21:55:09 UTC  

So your trying to frame conservatives

2017-12-09 21:55:15 UTC  

So they look like nazis and racists

2017-12-09 21:55:20 UTC  

Tf is wrong with you

2017-12-09 21:55:33 UTC  

You literally WANT nazism so more people become commies

2017-12-09 21:55:45 UTC  

@Deleted User u see this shit

2017-12-09 21:56:08 UTC  

@chill with that shit Sanity is not included with commies.

2017-12-09 21:56:21 UTC  

Like what in the hell

2017-12-09 21:56:34 UTC  

I thought u wanted to end racism not provoke it

2017-12-09 21:57:06 UTC  

See this is why i gotta defend pinochet

2017-12-09 21:57:12 UTC  

He wasnt a very good leader this i know

2017-12-09 21:57:26 UTC  

But he understood that commies are so fucked up in the head they barely human

2017-12-09 21:57:43 UTC  


2017-12-09 21:58:27 UTC  

@Gary Provoking race tensions? Now that is siege pilled!

2017-12-09 21:58:40 UTC  

Thats the fuckin kike pill

2017-12-09 21:58:59 UTC  

@chill with that shit Hell no, that is probably one of the biggest fascist things you can do.

2017-12-09 21:59:49 UTC  

Sounds pretty jewy to me man

2017-12-09 22:00:20 UTC  

~~*hey rabbi whatcha doin*~~

2017-12-09 22:00:25 UTC  

Nope, a jew would want whitey and based black guy to get together so race mixxing occurs and makes whitey go extinct.

2017-12-09 22:00:30 UTC  

@chill with that shit Read the thread, they ain't conservatives , they're manipulating the public, so we're going to shine the black light on them.

2017-12-09 22:00:36 UTC  


2017-12-09 22:00:45 UTC  

Theyre literally just meming

2017-12-09 22:00:54 UTC  

And hijacking a triggered feminist slogan

2017-12-09 22:01:07 UTC  

Your suggestion to start a racial conflict for the gain of your group

2017-12-09 22:01:24 UTC  

Oh shit that is super fascist @Deleted User

2017-12-09 22:01:30 UTC  

Your right

2017-12-09 22:01:51 UTC  

@chill with that shit The right things are rarely done for the right reasons.

2017-12-09 22:02:01 UTC  


2017-12-09 22:02:22 UTC  

Your a disgusting goy gary