Message from @b0b

Discord ID: 394175272393375764

2017-12-23 05:48:52 UTC

2017-12-23 05:50:06 UTC  

fire retardant us flags are the best flags

2017-12-23 05:50:38 UTC

2017-12-23 05:50:43 UTC

2017-12-23 05:52:22 UTC  

Imagine unironically sourcing wikipedia

2017-12-23 05:52:45 UTC  

I cant imagine that

2017-12-23 05:52:48 UTC  

imagine being gay

2017-12-23 06:00:45 UTC

2017-12-23 06:00:53 UTC  

^ being gay

2017-12-23 06:40:29 UTC

2017-12-23 09:59:23 UTC

2017-12-23 12:18:58 UTC  

@chill with that shit that's because fuck the Yanks

2017-12-23 13:05:38 UTC  

happy ti be here

2017-12-23 13:05:41 UTC  

@here wake tf up

2017-12-23 13:06:10 UTC  

Tfw when u notify 250 ppl

2017-12-23 13:34:50 UTC  

@Vučko#7524 you realize it's disabled right

2017-12-23 13:35:33 UTC  

🇴 🇴 🇫

2017-12-23 14:28:51 UTC  


2017-12-23 14:31:05 UTC  

🇰 🇮 🇱 🇱 🇲 🇪

2017-12-23 16:06:00 UTC

2017-12-23 17:11:48 UTC

2017-12-23 18:34:05 UTC

2017-12-23 18:47:32 UTC  

Repealing net neutrality allows for virtual hit lists. Imagine a service where you can pay to block someone else's internet access. Then the only way in which they can regain their access is by paying more than was paid against them. This could just continue until the user was bankrupt or they gave up on their internet use.

This will of course inevitably create greater discrepancy between the economic classes. It could also be used against political dissidents. Say anyone who protests for BLM gets a $200 Comcast bounty and anyone who supports universal Healthcare gets a $500 Comcast bounty. I wonder if that is actually Trump's ultimate goal with this decision. Complete and utter power over those who oppose him.

I think we need to hit the Republicans with a preliminary strike. Hopefully we can garner enough support to wipe out the internet access of the top officials. Unfortunately they'll be able to cycle through aids to basically act as internet surrogates, but targeting each new aid as they appear will at least disrupt their organization. Of course, we'll also need to keep a fund to outpay the bounties set against our own politicians. We'll have to be strategic and only outbid based on some function of the bounty against them and their political capital. Our eventual goal of course will be to gain the necessary political clout to restore net neutrality and bring back peace to the land. There's a long road ahead, but if we're smart we'll emerge victorious.

2017-12-23 21:24:26 UTC  


2017-12-23 21:24:46 UTC  

Net neutrality happened

2017-12-23 21:25:06 UTC  

And you are still using the internet fine

2017-12-23 21:25:14 UTC  

Stupid liberals.....



2017-12-24 00:11:58 UTC  

@black jack They're not just going to sweep the rug out from under us all at once. They're going to slowly strip away the internet rights we've taken for granted. They'll steal them right out from under our noses.

2017-12-24 00:23:59 UTC  

@Deleted User Internet isn't and has never been a right.

2017-12-24 00:24:10 UTC  

well, it should fucking be

2017-12-24 00:24:26 UTC  


2017-12-24 00:24:32 UTC  

Too bad! That isn't how it works!

2017-12-24 00:24:39 UTC  

@Dyno Fuck you.

2017-12-24 00:25:48 UTC  

It's amazing to think that some people believe that the internet is now a HUMAN RIGHT.

2017-12-24 01:04:01 UTC  

I debate any leftist who is more depressed than I am

2017-12-24 01:06:05 UTC  

anti-statism is just a phase