Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 600250816611221524

2019-07-14 18:33:39 UTC  

Look at you, the great ***__OFFENDER!__*** Why choose this handle? Don't you pride yourself on being so *offensive*?

2019-07-14 18:34:15 UTC  

Or is it a cry for help? 'I don't want to offend people, I just wish they accepted the facts that I point out! WHY WON'T THOSE DELUSIONAL FUCKERS LISTEN TO ME?'

2019-07-14 18:34:36 UTC  

'Fuck it, I might as well tire them out.'

2019-07-14 18:34:51 UTC  

'Oh, wait, not that guy, they're not entertaining enough.'

2019-07-14 18:35:10 UTC  

***And I'm told that my self-importance is unwarranted.***

2019-07-14 18:37:06 UTC  

__***I haven't even performed a thorough examination of the real dimensions of your politics yet despite already making some remarks on this.***__

2019-07-14 21:26:01 UTC  

How is it a cry for help?

2019-07-14 21:26:25 UTC  

And considering you being so triggered by the simple facts i state,, well you have your awnser

2019-07-14 21:27:36 UTC  

I am not the one recycling points tho, its you. And you keep accusing me of the things you do .

2019-07-14 21:28:19 UTC  

Funny how you got debunked and you went in a loop, in which i just summed up the past dodged and ignored rebuts.

2019-07-14 21:29:01 UTC  

now you are playing at the person you even went as far as posting screen shots from another server. in which you funny enough showed you dogmatic short sighted bias. by mis interperting a wiki

2019-07-14 21:29:49 UTC  

You talk about punching bags when it is you who hits himself with every key stroke in which you are not living but wasting your life on discord , as this is your life and all you have .

2019-07-15 08:59:14 UTC

2019-07-15 08:59:25 UTC  

In response to this remark in the screenshot: ***you bitched about me there first. I went to check on what you were saying.***

2019-07-15 09:00:02 UTC  

***I responded to you in that server, but I repeated what I said there over here too.***

2019-07-15 09:00:32 UTC  

```How is it a cry for help?```

2019-07-15 09:00:55 UTC  

Maybe it's because you're so desperate to prove this idea that you're so intellectual that it's offensive to others. You know, the classic 'I KNOW DEM SECRITS U DONT'.

2019-07-15 09:01:05 UTC  

```And considering you being so triggered by the simple facts i state,, well you have your awnser

2019-07-15 09:01:10 UTC  

Case in fucking point.

2019-07-15 09:02:09 UTC  

**You see, I could say that you're so obsessed with and triggered by what I've said and how I've said it that you keep coming back and performing this retarded dance of yours.**

2019-07-15 09:02:26 UTC  

```I am not the one recycling points tho, its you. And you keep accusing me of the things you do .```

2019-07-15 09:03:29 UTC  

I bring up those points because they've already been flattened and destroyed over and over again. You just keep forgetting about them and slipping your own understandings of terminologies into my arguments while ignoring the substance of those arguments themselves. *You're good at word games, but not good enough.*

2019-07-15 09:03:38 UTC  

```Funny how you got debunked and you went in a loop, in which i just summed up the past dodged and ignored rebuts.```

2019-07-15 09:05:17 UTC  

***And you dodged the notion that you have to provide an infinite number of studies to prove that human society is biologically-determined. Slobbering on about the 'environment' doesn't matter because you said that the 'environment' is ALSO owed to biological processes.***

2019-07-15 09:06:33 UTC  

So there was absolutely nothing of substance to respond to when you brought up all those studies, for example, because you had to make a further argument to highlight the causality which your politics rests upon.

2019-07-15 09:07:14 UTC  

***__That's why I brought up the difference between epicycle theory and heliocentrism. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM IS NOT ONE OF STATISTICS, IT IS ONE OF METHODOLOGY.__***

2019-07-15 09:09:26 UTC  

__***The reason why heliocentrism is so useful next to epicycle theory is because less variables and mathematical constructs are needed to understand this. It is also much easier to generalise. The story is very similar with the difference between using biological models to describe society and using psychoanalysis for the same goal.***__

2019-07-15 09:11:01 UTC  

This is just one example of you dodging the points that I was making, simply giving a 'durr we can measure this'. It's not that things can't be measured; it's that *we need to know precisely what it is we're measuring and what it means*.

2019-07-15 09:11:25 UTC  

***Again, I could utter the words 'correlation is not causation' AND YOUR THEORY DIES.***

2019-07-15 09:12:32 UTC  

**Predictably, you'd try to fill the gaps with some kind of existential crisis tier bullshit about how every action of ours is supposedly biological, drawing upon things which are either tautological (i.e. something that's not a point of controversy), reductionist or *plainly fucking defeatist*.**

2019-07-15 09:13:49 UTC  

```now you are playing at the person you even went as far as posting screen shots from another server. in which you funny enough showed you dogmatic short sighted bias. by mis interperting a wiki

2019-07-15 09:14:24 UTC  

Cheap coming from the whining mug who bitched about me to that server in the first place!

2019-07-15 09:15:39 UTC  

And don't even start about 'misinterpreting a wiki'. *This was something that you did with the 'fascism', 'anarchism', 'anarchy', 'government' and 'state' articles.*

2019-07-15 09:15:55 UTC  

```You talk about punching bags when it is you who hits himself with every key stroke in which you are not living but wasting your life on discord , as this is your life and all you have .

2019-07-15 09:16:41 UTC  

Are you utterly incapable of self-reflection? Is this representative of how badly the kratom has fucked up your senses?

2019-07-15 09:18:58 UTC  

__***Who are YOU to say this when it's YOU WHO WANTS TO GIVE ME 'carpal tunnel'? This has been going on for three weeks, and you're absolving yourself of any fucking responsibility in this. Look at you, the junkie kid who wallows in a honeypot within a honeypot.***__

2019-07-15 09:20:54 UTC  

You know the irony of this? Every time you open your audiobooks, every time you even think about the world and the shit state we've got ourselves in, *you're not living*. You're not contributing as much as you can to the ruling societal order (which selects who's 'successful' and who's not), nor are you really making yourself happy. *It's the same with everyone else.*

2019-07-15 09:22:10 UTC  

You could say 'oh, but I am, I'm laughing at you!' and I can respond that there's plenty of other shit to laugh at!

2019-07-15 09:23:28 UTC  

**Why not go over to 4chan and find a rekt thread or two to gasp with laughter at? Why not join the Honkler shitposters?**

2019-07-15 09:26:43 UTC  

It's no wonder that you want to avoid a discussion of your own self-evaluations right now. Even if I supported your politics, I could find ample reasons to judge you harshly.

2019-07-15 09:27:13 UTC  

'You're not doing enough for your cause, you're not preparing the ground for the movement.'