Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 600385431791599616

2019-07-15 14:07:46 UTC  

Really going as far as reading all th eold shit i wrote on another server to then talk about the audio books i listen during labour, it makes you pretty pathetic

2019-07-15 14:08:48 UTC  

This is hilarious

2019-07-15 14:08:50 UTC

2019-07-15 14:10:42 UTC  

You dont need to be baited, you fall for non bait. I claim zero responisbility in this as i have non. I am not the one making you type all this nonsens for the past weeks, i am not the one telling you to imply make strawmen arguments that dont even hold up :D
I have no selfreflection but you blame me for making you get carppel whilst it is your insanity that makes you write all this nonsens that is 90% bullshit

2019-07-15 14:14:15 UTC  

And you thijnking i am a junkie by the deduction that ppl drink kratom as a relieve for with drawsymptoms shows your shortsighteness that jumps to false conclusions. Yet again. You read one thing assume something and go on jihad with these false assumtions (yet again).
Most of the "arguemnets" you aghev made in these past weeks are like this, you assumesomething imply and then go on some musguided rant that isnt even correct with the strawmen you just made as you have no knowledge of the actaul subject.

2019-07-15 14:29:10 UTC

2019-07-15 14:29:45 UTC  

more implying 😄 and it must be hard for you not to reply right away afte you got pinged 😄 @Garbage

2019-07-15 14:31:00 UTC  

Someone whith more things in their life doesnt sits on disord righting essays about nothing and then even edit most of em

2019-07-15 14:31:33 UTC  

inb4 no u. i dont edit and write with 180 keystrokes a min

2019-07-15 17:52:48 UTC  

```ow look more dodges that i did not read

2019-07-15 17:53:14 UTC  

But then how do you know that they're dodges if you didn't read them?

2019-07-15 17:53:36 UTC  

So you're now reduced to a level of rhetorical assburgers and trolling. **Yup, a junkie.**

2019-07-15 17:53:44 UTC  

```kik, drinks 5 cups of kratom tea in your life, get called a junkie by ppl that think its an opiod

2019-07-15 17:54:06 UTC  

>i didn't take much but it didn't do me much damage anyway

2019-07-15 17:54:34 UTC  

Theoretically that argument works. Your choice of rhetorical structure suggests otherwise.

2019-07-15 17:54:57 UTC  

>X didn't happen and anyway it wouldn't have been much hurr durr

2019-07-15 17:55:37 UTC  

How do you know this? You seem pretty brain-damaged to the point that you'd assume that other people are using definitions for shit that you plucked out of nowhere and then project it back onto me.

2019-07-15 17:55:46 UTC  

```you dont even create consice reletive arguments.
and it sound slike you need to drink a cup of xanex```

2019-07-15 17:57:02 UTC  

I sincerely apologise for having to explain shit to you while you, O Great Offender, consider me not worthy enough to have my stuff read. And yet you, being such an arrogant child, think that you can get away with not reading half my arguments and then telling me that I'm wrong when you forget half of what was said before - even the shit that *you* said before.

2019-07-15 17:57:13 UTC  

So you might need some coffee.

2019-07-15 17:57:21 UTC  

```The amount of insults and slander have increased after i clearly debunked your false points of strawmen.
What up with that```

2019-07-15 17:58:37 UTC  

The amount of times that someone bitched in a different server altogether about me have increased after you kept going in circles. I'd say we're evens at best for your case.

2019-07-15 17:58:48 UTC  

```Really going as far as reading all th eold shit i wrote on another server to then talk about the audio books i listen during labour, it makes you pretty pathetic
This is hilarious```

2019-07-15 18:00:01 UTC  

And I'm talking to someone who wants to give me carpal tunnel and responds even though he knows he's not gonna stop me. Look at him pretending to be the only player in this game.

2019-07-15 18:00:22 UTC  

```You dont need to be baited, you fall for non bait. I claim zero responisbility in this as i have non. I am not the one making you type all this nonsens for the past weeks, i am not the one telling you to imply make strawmen arguments that dont even hold up :D

2019-07-15 18:00:26 UTC  

kratom. source of mitragynine and hydroxymitragynine. these are both opiates. they are contained in kratom. kratom, containing 2 opiates of considerable strength, is already a controlled in 16 countries, and is in the process of being listed as a schedule 1 drug in the US. so, in 16 countries is is an opiate. and it soon will be in the US. you can overdose on it, it can kill you just like any pill-form opiate, and naloxone mitigates it's effects, like any other opiate.
any fucking questions, anybody?

2019-07-15 18:00:50 UTC  

I'm out - I have to go see my pain doctor for steroids

2019-07-15 18:01:13 UTC  

I'm not the one making you respond to me, though. I'm not forcing you to come back to Discord or even to use a computer. You have responsibility too.

2019-07-15 18:01:28 UTC  

I'm not even forcing you to read what I've typed.

2019-07-15 18:01:52 UTC  

I'm telling you to, but I know full well that you're not interested in that.

2019-07-15 18:05:07 UTC  

***This is what REAL unwarranted ego looks like: you saying that none of this was owed to you when in fact it is. It also forms the basis of your politics and your great big metaphysical existential crisis. __Every time I link the 'infinite studies' argument back to you, you dodge it because you don't want to even think about yourself and your own actions in the world in a new way.__***

2019-07-15 18:07:12 UTC  

__***Instead, you pretend that you're the invincible Offender. You have discovered plenty of secrets in the world through going through archives of studies, YouTube 'woke' documentaries and threads full of infographs made by those whose culture descends from a once-Swarmfront-infested board.***__

2019-07-15 18:07:31 UTC  

```I have no selfreflection but you blame me for making you get carppel whilst it is your insanity that makes you write all this nonsens that is 90% bullshit```

2019-07-15 18:08:14 UTC  

90% bullshit and yet he didn't read most of it by his own admission. ***Massive hasty generalisation and considerable sampling error given the context.***

2019-07-15 18:08:50 UTC  

Of course I have a part to play in this. I've already said that I want something out of this long ago. My point is that *so do you*, and that you are also a part in this. You are neither some passive demigod who watches on, having ascended above this realm, nor are you an ultimate victim who is being ravished by his attacker while he has no control.

2019-07-15 18:11:01 UTC  

***Welcome to reality. You're a part of this game, just like how I am.***

2019-07-15 18:11:17 UTC  

```And you thijnking i am a junkie by the deduction that ppl drink kratom as a relieve for with drawsymptoms shows your shortsighteness that jumps to false conclusions. Yet again. You read one thing assume something and go on jihad with these false assumtions (yet again).```

2019-07-15 18:11:24 UTC  

>withdrawal symptoms

2019-07-15 18:11:43 UTC  

That aside, why did you even bother to take it?

2019-07-15 18:12:40 UTC  

Also, you neglect to tell me just how much you took.

2019-07-15 18:12:55 UTC  

```Most of the "arguemnets" you aghev made in these past weeks are like this, you assumesomething imply and then go on some musguided rant that isnt even correct with the strawmen you just made as you have no knowledge of the actaul subject.