Message from @petit bourgeois
Discord ID: 311640406976626691
Broad coalition
That is why everybody run away from this party
what's your guys' opinions on Mélenchon
who is that
french socialist candidate
if he is socialdemocrat like bernie then fuck him
i think that electing socialist candidates are good for short term
but the real shit is in the revolution
its not good for anything
the only thing you do by supporting socdems is fooling people
but socialism would open up peoples minds for more change i guess
reducing their rev potential
or it could just make them even more deluded lol
it would not
look at Sweden
@petit bourgeois I think the reason why revisionists are getting elected is because of the absence of the Party.
the socdem party
it doesnt open up anything
its just fooling people
Socdem is just a pacified Fascist.
the whole reformism thing should be abandoned
bernie would literally do the same thing as trump or hillary would
he is just a clown
an actor
It makes sense though since here in the US, politics literally becomes a lobbied reality TV show.
its like that for a lot of countries too
look at france
Y'all niggas want some pie?
Give me ideas on emojis
And meme magic