Message from @not_matt
Discord ID: 318254687910363137
We all do have a common ancestor but I mean like the much closer ones
What is the "misinterpretation" race obviously has to do with biology and isn't just some "social construct" that you can dismiss out of hand.
the sheer boldness required to claim melanin determines ones taxonomy of personhood
To essentialize people based on fuckin skin color
Is comical
Race is not just your skin color.
That's a scientific fact.
then what exactly is it
I'm /Haplogroup_R1a1_(Y-DNA)
what are the races
It's a variety of physical factors, go look at the studies if you want to know more
Germanic, Nordic ,slavic
Different white subraces
none of those supposed "myth busting" studies even matter tho
They don't but blacks are dumber
Because they hurt your feelings?
so what if people on different continents share ancestry? each individual is a freely choosing being. to categorize them based on an arbitrary characteristic other than this ability to determine oneself is a mistake
actually ya its bc they hurt my feelings
Cause ur probably a mongrel
I'm a faggot if that counts as being a mongrel lmao
Race is a category of humans, not the only one and maybe not even the most important but it is a factor regardless and people do segregate themselves too you know.
Mongoloid mike
Mongoloid matt
Race is an arbitrary category tho that's what I'm saying
not really
No matter what "ethnicity" every person is a freely choosing, self conscious being.
I'm not disagreeing with that point.
Jews are a myth they're all really lizard people
They control the world
Well then to say that "x race is y" is to deny that freedom
Even shill Alex Jones denies this
It denies their humanity
JEWS are not human
They lack empathy and humanity of a human