Message from @Firefly
Discord ID: 319921410472673281
Whites are overrated. In 100 years Asian will be on top of every chart.
holy shit people who actually believe in white genocide are fucking stupid
There is an exit from the situation. Socialist government and communist leadership can clone you millions of whites. If you want.
says the avatar with sasha baren cohen as their profile pic
it's just some shitty excuse to combat 'cultural marxism'
a social conferation of nations is indeed the way out
cooperative autarkies at a intercontinental level, yes, absolutely
@wiggles if you visit western Europe's kindergarten. On the street there will run 50 children. Black and brown.
@Firefly That's true birthrate under commie regimes was yuge. Especially under extremely pro-life prude Ceausescu's Rumania.
um...yes, well, quite clearly you have read indepth about the frankfurt school and the melding of marxism with freudian psychoanalysis and anf the creation of public relations by his grandson bernays etc etc or rather no, concentration is upon the creation of neo conservatism via strauss and the trot wing of the american communist party, probablty
the birthrate in germany was increasing under socially national economic policy. Metrotone...and ever since decreasing...i mean,..the plan to sterilise them out of existence was the fore runner to today's hallmarks
ONLY the Norse resisted the Khazar expansion, ONLY the Norse sailed into it's stronghold and resisted
While all the Oak trees were chooped down across | don;t read enough
Seems to me, maybe some foaming lefitsts in the thread haven't actually read the 1946 UN convention on Gernocide and its articles
cos if you're forcefully replacing me, that;'s a crime against humanity.... but openly stating an agenda to do so, is apparently okay, if it's against one specific ethnic group otherwise known as European...especially when you control media and academia and spend generations of time brainwashing that ethnicity to celebrate their own demise
I was Nazbol unironically a year ago aswell
Nice pic btw
yeah, she is bountiful...but digress you degenerate
basic facts. sorry if it's too much to handle for your shabbos goyim sentiments