Message from @slack
Discord ID: 319912327908556801
@slack#7189 not now
@slack#7189 we have contest right now
A left wing Jew I know that went to fight in Donbass to give himself social validation amongst deluded leftists
for what purpose?
i already told you why
cos jew
ukraine is evil, right?
what is the reason for social validation
hey @Firefly why are people like @Deleted User on this server
its a leftist server
nazis arent left
don't matter that actually when you look at it, it's jewish supremacists that have been and are being inserted into all important positions's a neo nazi place, right?
@slack#7189 There's a Black Nazbol fighting for the Eastern Ukraine
@Deleted User Yes, leftist. But not sectarian
@Deleted User I know you are used to the opposite.
I'm sorry
@National Trotskyist Ukraine pol is all about the Mackinder plan
right now the Tatars are being cajoled to throw a spanner in the works in crimea? Smoke and Mirrors
@Deleted User discourse is intelligent
@Firefly this is way above my pay grade. I am honoured by your tolerance