Message from @Segvloger
Discord ID: 375487233580466178
π Hello @everyone Would you like to see Good News? Click My invitation Link
The Skeleton Army is on your tail!
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Pvt. Corrosive#7783 has been warned.***
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Father Harraski#1148 was banned!***
you guys like my watch?
@Deleted User Silly lefties, neo nazism is where it's at. Now censor me.
Why am I not being told I am so offensive and politically incorrect and getting banned?
Your not correct now kys you biggot
You people are puppets of the Jew's.
Your a german
Nazi scum
I wish, Adolf Hitler was a good guy.
The Jews lied about the holocaust, them leftie scumbags.
Gulag please
Now watch the magic.
Kys biggot
Any mods here?
Actually according to ex-lefty/pol/ discord owner Holocaust revisionism started in the French leftist circles.
Fascism is right wing. Nazism is best. The Jews lied.
I don't think any self-identified fascist calls himself "right-wing".
Since they're anti-capitalists and all.
I don't, fascism is stupid right wing scum nonsense.
Capitalism is fake Jew controlled bankers scumming the scum out of the people's scummed scum.
Oh no, I'm not offensive enough. I need to get you offended GRRRRR!!!
Are Pirates of the Carribean films part of the flat earth society?
No, the FES sponsors B.o.B though.
nazbol gang here
fuck off