Message from @DOLBATIC
Discord ID: 630297761690025984
Neoliberalism is based
Accelerating capitalism's suicide
the nazis literally coined the term "privatization"
all to skew the distribution of the income towards the rich
yeah sure thats socialism
read a book mouthbreather
I mean hitlerism is founded on hierarchy
That's antinomic to socialism in essence
Fascism claims to be hegelian but it actually goes back to platonism
All the big US capitalists invested in hitler
Ford, bush, etc.
Know your history before you try and be condescending
Fuck you fuck you fuck you
Is this tavernism?
@ACentralScrutinizer you slimy fuck thats not the only thing thats being said
holy shit you are not only dumb but also a liar
Gee guys it’s real late I’d better hit the bed haha good chatting see you all later
You got me @ACentralScrutinizer
Something something dislectic
Only good thing commies did was rape german women
I am not an alt-right either but what does /leftypol/ think about this?
who needs reliable sources when you've got PragerU, YAAS, The Heritage Foundation and other oil magnate bootlickers to treat you like their filthy little ******* oh yes daddy facts and knowledge facts and knowledge own the libs and make me COOM
This fucking nigger lmfaooo
Never knew you were in this too