Message from @laurentia

Discord ID: 593951059358253056

2019-06-27 23:46:23 UTC  

How did they help us survive?

2019-06-27 23:46:42 UTC  

Love serves the purpose of furthering the race, not only through procreation, but by protectiveness, altruism, et cetera. That's an example of a purpose for an emotion.

2019-06-27 23:46:55 UTC  

i mean without emotion we wouldnt care for our children

2019-06-27 23:47:02 UTC  

or protect them

2019-06-27 23:47:05 UTC  

Snakes reproduce but don't love.

2019-06-27 23:47:14 UTC  

Why do humans?

2019-06-27 23:47:14 UTC  

How do you know snakes don't love?

2019-06-27 23:47:25 UTC  

lots of animals have emotions

2019-06-27 23:47:41 UTC  

Yes, like mammals.

2019-06-27 23:47:50 UTC  

i'm not sure about sankes though

2019-06-27 23:47:52 UTC  


2019-06-27 23:47:55 UTC  

One may not absolutely need love to reproduce or survive, but I think it definitely helps the species.

2019-06-27 23:47:57 UTC  

Snakes are solitary. They don't raise their young.

2019-06-27 23:48:05 UTC  

humans raise their young

2019-06-27 23:48:15 UTC  

without emotions we wouldnt care about them

2019-06-27 23:48:34 UTC  

without emotions we wouldnt find a partner and have kids with

2019-06-27 23:48:40 UTC  

Yes, and humans love AND sexually reproduce, so the purpose of love is more abstract than sex.

2019-06-27 23:48:52 UTC  

without emotions we wouldnt have banded together and formed societies

2019-06-27 23:49:05 UTC  

humans are social creatures

2019-06-27 23:49:16 UTC  

@JeffDog , I work in Genomics.

2019-06-27 23:49:27 UTC  

social animals tend to be emotional

2019-06-27 23:49:37 UTC  

compared to solitary ones

2019-06-27 23:49:47 UTC  

look at dogs vs cats

2019-06-27 23:50:13 UTC  

Not quite. Language is an evolution of the need of a social species where logic is abstractly built on language m

2019-06-27 23:50:37 UTC  

So, logic is more a consequence of humans becoming social.

2019-06-27 23:51:03 UTC  

Humans can't think of logic or math without thinking abstractly, first.

2019-06-27 23:51:09 UTC  

you could say religion is based on emotion

2019-06-27 23:51:21 UTC  

and that shaped human society forever basically

2019-06-27 23:51:24 UTC  

Yes, but what does it do?

2019-06-27 23:51:30 UTC  

I feel like most of religion is built on emotion.

2019-06-27 23:51:47 UTC  

art is emotional

2019-06-27 23:52:33 UTC  

Emotion correspond to motivation. You know, you eat because your hungry. So emotions motivate decisions, but it doesn't lead to good decisions in itself.

2019-06-27 23:53:26 UTC  

So humans being emotional simply means humans are prompted to do.

2019-06-27 23:53:55 UTC  

Large parts of emotional wiring share things with sensations.

2019-06-27 23:54:06 UTC  

Like if i punch you, it hurts.

2019-06-27 23:54:21 UTC  

If you're feelings are hurt, it, well, hurts.

2019-06-27 23:54:51 UTC  

So all you're really saying is humans feel sensations. That's it.

2019-06-27 23:55:29 UTC  

Rayn, do you think that emotions started with things like single-celled organisms being attracted to food and helpful things and repelled by dangerous substances and organisms?

2019-06-27 23:55:54 UTC  


2019-06-27 23:55:55 UTC  

Emotions and sensations seem like essentially the same thing to me.

2019-06-27 23:56:39 UTC  

You're familiar with Boltzman entropy?