Message from @Cúchulainn

Discord ID: 640007998751637515

2019-11-02 01:59:03 UTC  

@Cúchulainn Moralist Grandpa lol
I don't particularily limit myself to one mode of thought.
My support for capitalism a strong support of private property which you guy's think is force and oppression.
I do not agree with the anarchists and communists here.
Otherwise I share all the values, at I can say mostly.
Now for the morality part, tell if there is no moral society would really want to live in it.

2019-11-02 01:59:34 UTC  

Also you deny human nature? What basis do you have for your claim.

2019-11-02 01:59:42 UTC  

There is no evidence for human nature

2019-11-02 01:59:45 UTC  

I must say you live in cave or something

2019-11-02 01:59:47 UTC  

It is nonsense

2019-11-02 01:59:49 UTC  


2019-11-02 01:59:57 UTC  

There is

2019-11-02 02:00:01 UTC  

Nonsense invented and imposed by the ruling class to preserve the status quo

2019-11-02 02:00:11 UTC  

It's quite observable

2019-11-02 02:00:39 UTC  

How do you presume they control you so well if you didn't have a nature?

2019-11-02 02:00:42 UTC  

To hell with these countless bloody anecdotes. All is the same when viewed through the proper lense, and your capitalist culture is your lens.

2019-11-02 02:01:17 UTC  

no you are trying to put me in a certain bracket

2019-11-02 02:01:18 UTC  

In what world do I require a static set of inherent behaviour in order to observe that I am being controlled?

2019-11-02 02:01:27 UTC  

You are already in a certain bracket.

2019-11-02 02:02:31 UTC  

Alright, then would you say the same for yourself.
How will I gain your kind of enlightenment then?

2019-11-02 02:02:39 UTC  

Can it be taught

2019-11-02 02:02:51 UTC  

or is innate

2019-11-02 02:02:52 UTC  


2019-11-02 02:02:55 UTC  

I have no enlightenment.

2019-11-02 02:03:01 UTC  

It can partially be taught, partially observed.

2019-11-02 02:03:17 UTC  

What I've learned I learned through struggle, and through paying a lot of attention for a very long time.

2019-11-02 02:03:35 UTC  

And for all I have done and said, it comes to less than a fraction of what some others have done and said.

2019-11-02 02:05:30 UTC  

Okay, I agree with what you may be pointing, but those others observations, but do they clearly represent an opposition do they or not?

2019-11-02 02:06:35 UTC  

My observations clearly represent an opposition to the sense of human nature.

2019-11-02 02:08:45 UTC  

I am similar in account only that I do not believe that human beings have a innate nature.
But do believe we share, certain characteristics that are definite to sense and not at the same.
I believe we are strongly socialized and there is a part nature too. But we don't know how much the tilt is on and on which side.
The old nature and nurture argument.

2019-11-02 02:09:13 UTC  

How much are influenced by our nature and how much are we programed to act in a certain way.

2019-11-02 02:12:09 UTC  

I don't understand how much nature or nurture has an effect on us.
There a primary nature
After that we are so complex, when it comes to ideas thought are articulation that we go way beyond the basic nature of our instinct. Even though the primary structure might be intact, but we articulate things in almost a contrary fashion.

2019-11-02 02:12:19 UTC  

Also unpredictable and random

2019-11-02 02:14:30 UTC  

So it goes

2019-11-02 02:15:31 UTC  

Also I wanted to argue with you about rationality and intellectualism, you pointed out long ago.

2019-11-02 02:15:45 UTC  

I agree with you about intellectualism

2019-11-02 02:16:04 UTC  

But about rationality, it's a little complicated

2019-11-02 02:16:14 UTC  

I am no position to defend it

2019-11-02 02:16:21 UTC  

I don't know much yet

2019-11-02 02:17:25 UTC  

But I feel reason, is a sort of guide way or method. Not a particular world view.
It's not always accurate and may not be the same thing for many people.

2019-11-02 02:17:38 UTC  

WAIT before all this

2019-11-02 02:26:31 UTC  

You always counter argue me as if I don't know, what I am talking about. But you don't see the contradictory element of what you say or propose.
If you deny what I say, you don't counter argue. But you just say it's unknowable and human nature isn't static, predictable or discernable.

But if you just deny, and you aren't claiming anything as a counter, to my statements.

That is what it seems, what you are telling to me.

Also I never said human nature is stagnant. If you misunderstood what I said in a poetic sense, to the Tool song I posted. You seemed to solidify the case that I believe in a solid human nature.
Quite the contrary actually.
Nature is still different, from learnt behavior keep that in check.

To deny nature itself, is non explanatory.
You have to explain your case

2019-11-02 02:28:01 UTC  
2019-11-02 02:35:35 UTC  

But I have to give you credit, you got one thing right. I am a disillusioned conservative.

2019-11-02 02:43:23 UTC  

```Other don't seem to reliable as Capitalism, even though it has it's faults and major faults. Almost to the point of complete hypocrisy.
But it functions is a way that maintains order.```
What exactly is Capitalism then? Capitalism focuses on the needs on higher ups and will until the end of its existence. Creating societies purely run by capitalists is a horrible idea on the social and economic levels, corporations only value profit and not human lives. You wanna create a billion Caesars? Give a bunch of rich assholes power over everything and except them to control their hounds.

```I don't know of any other system that regulates the economy as good as capitalism and retain a certain amount of functional order.```
Order is a huge lie, order is death and the rape of humanity as a whole. Look at any authoritarian society and tell me that order is a good idea.

```Also The State only has few function under a true free market
You don't have to fear the things you are seeing today
Believe you are sending me hypotheticals and the same on my area```
How the hell can I trust the greedy to "be well for the economy" when they will literally control fucking everything they can for power, only limited by a false NAP that will in the end, mean nothing to the individuals prosperity unless you are rich. Suicides will become company regulation and everything will slowly assure itself out of existence like normal. "Other Extremists" will react to this rise and raise a jihad for another 1000 years in a state of perpetual war.

```Also you deny human nature? What basis do you have for your claim.```
Human nature is convoluted at best and at worst non existent, no two situations in mankind are the same for what ever they value.

2019-11-02 02:55:08 UTC  

```What exactly is Capitalism then? Capitalism focuses on the needs on higher ups and will until the end of its existence. Creating societies purely run by capitalists is a horrible idea on the social and economic levels, corporations only value profit and not human lives. You wanna create a billion Caesars? Give a bunch of rich assholes power over everything and except them to control their hounds.```

What a typical Marxist answer if you think it was all exploitation why do even think for a minute people came from the rural areas and various other places. Just to enslave themselves. Come on seriously, why so many want to enslave themselves.

```Order is a huge lie, order is death and the rape of humanity as a whole. Look at any authoritarian society and tell me that order is a good idea.```

When is order a lie, you have order here do you not, is this discord purely unregulated. Give me a break.

```How the hell can I trust the greedy to "be well for the economy" when they will literally control fucking everything they can for power, only limited by a false NAP that will in the end, mean nothing to the individuals prosperity unless you are rich. Suicides will become company regulation and everything will slowly assure itself out of existence like normal. "Other Extremists" will react to this rise and raise a jihad for another 1000 years in a state of perpetual war.```