Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 578513840854138880
I'd support any ideology to allow it
But yeah i don't believe in any ideology
Wow youre a nice guy
Yeah, i try
I respect you
I spose if you wanna use labels im closest to a monarchist
Ok so is there anymore things you want to discuss about my Manifesto?
Not particularly, though it's a little short
It doesn't really detail economics or foreign policy
Well Its not done yet
Yeah, im sure it'll grow with time
Yup it will
So are you amazed some young guy wrote this?
Not particularly
I don't think people are retarded because they're under 18
Though it can tend to be that way
I think that only mature ones can write those things
Mature people have a sense of devotion in such things like a Fascist movement
Most 16 year olds dont
Nor do they have the discipline
The younger you are imo the more fanatical you can be from a skewed world view
But in a democratic country like mine you are usually not Fanatical about any ideologies
Nobody is usually fanatical anymore
People in general have been dumbed down by society
But now in Sarawak Pro Independence Sentiment is very popular among the young
Its possible that this sentiment could be the Majority in a few years among youths
Most of my Friends are pro independence but not Fascists
I did manage to convert a few to fascist
I did also manage to instill Facsist sympathies among my relatives
Due to my speeches at family gatherings
Good job
I hope to turn this into a Political Movement