Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 578512706106294282
The bigger the server the better
I used to be fascistic tbh
Then i realised i don't really believe in political ideologies at all
Or nationalism
What do you think of Anime being used as a propaganda tool?
By Fascists
Like the ones i made
Personally i wouldn't call it anime, as well... it isn't animated
But it's just like any other propaganda really
The content matters moreso than what kind
So youre apolitical?
Personally I just want to rule over something
Smite those who annoy me
I'd support any ideology to allow it
But yeah i don't believe in any ideology
Wow youre a nice guy
Yeah, i try
I spose if you wanna use labels im closest to a monarchist
Ok so is there anymore things you want to discuss about my Manifesto?
Not particularly, though it's a little short
It doesn't really detail economics or foreign policy
Well Its not done yet
Yeah, im sure it'll grow with time
Yup it will
So are you amazed some young guy wrote this?
Not particularly
I don't think people are retarded because they're under 18
Though it can tend to be that way
I think that only mature ones can write those things
And Im quite Mature for my age
Mature people have a sense of devotion in such things like a Fascist movement
Most 16 year olds dont
Nor do they have the discipline
The younger you are imo the more fanatical you can be from a skewed world view