Message from @succubust
Discord ID: 580715996952657920
are you talking about the banning of white nationalism?
@ACentralScrutinizer oh absolutely
I am fond of hero worship
VertigoPoltix got holocausted
oh I did not bother to read Justia law and assumed based on a current event.
who is this
a person
on twitter
anti-nazi? lmao
Antifa fatties are no match for Fit Fascists and NatSocs
Imagine not wanting a beard
lmao you're pic has a beard
The US killed more people firebombing Tokyo than they did nuking Hiroshima
the weather is quite nice today
dont you agree
well lol
i don't even know where you live
Where are you from, @boazzie?
Yes valid point
I'm Dutch
I agree, the weather is splendid
You live in The Netherlands?
oh lol do u remember me @Deleted User
Not, but on the same parallel as 🇳🇱
oh no