Message from @Blueroad
Discord ID: 584763481115328577
Lol not only wahhabis
Shafii and all
>no anarcho capitalism in roles
They're disgusting... 😐
anarcho capitalism is an oxymoron
@Blueroad Please explain to me how
Its actually on the contrary
>talks about anarcho capitalism being on oxymoron
>has anarcho ethno nationalism in his roles
property norms cannot exist without a state
lol please go read about anarccho capitalism instead of trying to debate an ideology you have no knowledge of
capitalist theorists were pretty clear that without property norms you dont have capitalism
because if you had known anything about anarcho capitalism and austrian school fo economics you'd know an answer to that question therefore i just refuse to debate someone as dishonest
so basically you have no argument against the position
otherwise youd just give it instead of dodging
I ju8st refuse to debate morons who think they know shit but they dont
tell me how you impose property norms without a state
oh youre trying to do that "im going to say that theyre scared to debate me so that they start debating me out of fear for being called scared to debatet me"
mate i just dont want to debate honest people
your just saying "no"
it doesnt matter why
It doesnt matter why thus you are justified into asserting unsupported additional reasoning behind my claim? ok
i said explicitly the reason doesnt matter
if your not giving an argument there is no argument
So then why are you asserting additional meaning then
To try and get me to respond yes?
also its interesting that your willing to argue about you being unwilling to argue but are unwilling to argue for an actual position
you could have rendered the argument by now surely
but hey im the idiot, right
yes because i am pointing out your dishonesty in this issue which indicates your dishonesty in general
how have you identified malign intentions? my position is that capitalism necessitates property norms -> property norms only exist with a state -> anarcho capitalism is stateless
you can say the premises are wrong but idk how you conclude its dishonesty
if you want to reject a premise your gonna have to give an argument though
Have you seriously not read what I said
I specifically said taht what you said after that by adding additional meaning to try and get me to respond is an indicator of your dishonesty
Also i clearly specificalyl also stated that if you had known anything about anarcho capitalism you'd know an answer to that, you're stuck within your circle jerk without even tryint to understand anarcho capitalism
so you wont give an argument because i dont know the argument?
thats interesting