Message from @Blueroad

Discord ID: 595028890548699164

2019-06-30 22:59:24 UTC  

More like nazis don’t know the origins of socialism so they go with the definitions of small brained economists and low quality dictators

2019-06-30 23:00:27 UTC  

thats not how philosophy works lol

2019-06-30 23:00:46 UTC  

there are definitions that are proprietary to particular disciplines @☭ Anon ☭

2019-06-30 23:01:30 UTC  

no specific type of socialists have hegemony over the word

2019-06-30 23:02:53 UTC  

That doesn’t mean conflicting definitions can be correct. Socialism has its origins in the writings of utopian socialists, not whatever bullshit nazis are putting forth. They are socialist only to themselves

2019-06-30 23:03:03 UTC  

I’ll get back to this later nig

2019-06-30 23:03:27 UTC  

point is there is no "correct" definition if the standard its being evaluated in light of isnt determined already

2019-06-30 23:04:12 UTC  

marxists and spenglarians obviously use socialism differently. im interested to hear what considerations there are that would oblige me to think one is more legitimate than the other in and of themselves

2019-06-30 23:05:17 UTC  

@Łukasz lol no

2019-06-30 23:05:32 UTC  

@Blueroad dm me if you’d like to continue later

2019-06-30 23:05:44 UTC  

im trying not to procrastinate rn rip

2019-06-30 23:05:57 UTC  

ill have to add you if thats ok i have dms for non friends disabled

2019-06-30 23:06:03 UTC  

That’s fine

2019-06-30 23:06:42 UTC  

I made it a goal of mine to learn calculus this summer because I have an interest in physics

2019-06-30 23:07:08 UTC  

@Łukasz do you think any of that is a useful contribution lol

2019-06-30 23:07:43 UTC  

any prospect of a meaningful conversation

2019-06-30 23:10:15 UTC  

what are you doing for national socialism?

2019-06-30 23:10:43 UTC  

when are you going to start killing the movementarians, siegelets, pedophiles, etc that plague the movement?

2019-06-30 23:11:26 UTC  

yeah you dont have any plans

2019-06-30 23:12:01 UTC  

if anybody in ns had plans there wouldnt need to be any discussion about how pedophiles and other scum run the movement

2019-06-30 23:12:22 UTC  

keep spinning your wheels in the mud

2019-06-30 23:13:31 UTC  

only two "successful" european ns are nrm and gd and neither of them are successful on the political level

2019-06-30 23:13:40 UTC  

only as community support

2019-06-30 23:13:58 UTC  

i dont see how thats relevant

2019-06-30 23:14:06 UTC  

is what i said not true?

2019-06-30 23:14:13 UTC  

whos above nrm and gd or up with them

2019-06-30 23:14:38 UTC  

whos above nrm and gd or up with them

2019-06-30 23:16:10 UTC  

how are they successful? lol

2019-06-30 23:16:28 UTC  

they have literally no political power?? lol

2019-06-30 23:16:52 UTC  

being a boon to a community doesnt cut it

2019-06-30 23:17:44 UTC  

im assuming im gonna get the political power doesnt matter currently shpeel

2019-06-30 23:18:15 UTC  

there it is

2019-06-30 23:20:46 UTC  

yeah this is typical iron march rhetoric "heh were gonna convert a hundred strong men and start a revolution", or the typical alternative "grass roots populism, bro!" . ironic how ns movements have been in the same if not getting into a worse condition in certain places since the 50s

2019-06-30 23:20:51 UTC  

good luck with that.

2019-06-30 23:21:52 UTC  

you live in a post ww2 liberal paradigm and you think your gonna make national socialism popular. its absurd

2019-06-30 23:24:45 UTC  

yeah your just saying more stuff. national socialism is in a tragic situation globally. even its largest contingents are struggling to stay afloat, cant even remain consistent to the core presupposition of ns, dealing with internal struggle as a consequence of minor disagreements, and opportunism. what did Mason, Dr. Pierce, and Hitler all say? "We care about results".

2019-06-30 23:25:02 UTC  

wheres the results? lol

2019-06-30 23:26:14 UTC  

dont get me wrong, the whole going down with the ship thing is romantic, but i just dont give a shit really

2019-06-30 23:26:51 UTC  

ns people will trash evola for ducking fascism to escape the charges but he was smart to do so considering what it was going to turn into

2019-06-30 23:28:17 UTC  

dude, are you telling me that euro ns movements are actually getting shit done? and i mean other than the kind of stuff that your typical community center does

2019-06-30 23:28:37 UTC  

because i was involved for a long time, and guess what, they werent shit then and they still arent