Message from @rflagg SC
Discord ID: 336914840939659264
And of course it had to be this year we haven't had these types of storms the past few years
Oy vey! David Godsteinberg is throwing storm after storm.
Afternoon brothers
Had a relationship ending argument with my cousin yesterday
Damn, what happened
He's marrying a Mexican woman, raising her child. She's a social worker who works on assisting illegal invaders
Tried to redpill?
I knew it
That's disgusting
That's traitorous
Most grating of all, she's hyphenating her name. The surname of my grandfather will die with him
So much race mixing lately. An employee of mine married a Mexican.
He's even raising her child by another Mexican man
that's cucked
"My wife's son!"
He called me a Nazi, I called him a traitor
He's dead to me
Interestingly my mother called me shortly after and confessed she felt the same way as I did but didn't want to speak up
But I understand. Both of my aunts have race mixed. One with an illegal Honduran, one with a dot head curry eater.
@Kevin FL just a sec, I'm gonna get on my computer and send it. I opened it on my computer and it worked, so I used Adobe Acrobat to save it and then transferred it to my iPad via Google Drive. That solved my problem with not being able to open it on my iPad. I'll send that copy here.
Yeah it's infuriating
Remember men, 3 is the minimum. 4 is better. 5 is downright hateful.
No amount of postering or demonstrations can ever beat just pumping out well raised white kids.
Do both.
But yea, sorry for you bro. I've seen a lot of this. Friends and family falling to the gods of (((progress))). Homosexuality has gotten some too.
Look at this as a chance for your genes to have an outsized impact on the huwyte future.
Our doctrine is bound to win among other white doctrines because it encourages having a lot of children and raising them to believe the same way, whereas other white doctrines do not. Natural selection will see to us replacing other whites.
Hail the White race!
So this is news now. LOL
Um, yes, that is called "evolution"
Someone help me out here.
Twitter ranks?