Message from @The Don GA
Discord ID: 314378714509082635
>tfw we share screenshots of channels with people who can already view those channels
Just kidding, I love my southern brothers. The Yankees, not so much.
Texans > other Southerners > Non-Yankee, non-Southern, non-Californian US > Yankees > Californians
Ah, Floridaball!
Austin ball ^
Why does it have a vagina on it
Cause it's a pussy
It's a socialist ball . Rose is a socialist symbol
Not the Yellow Rose 😉
is that what vaginas look like
We need Arkansas goys so we can have a four state meet up
So we don't no on going to harrinson this Saturday
I'm in favor of reopening Andersonville
My chapter will run it
Hey guys
This will be our group photo
I'm going to make a logo
Thinking two crossed muskets with a piece of cotton between them
That'd be good
Maybe add a glass of sweet tea in it
And a nigger whip
Spanish falangists used the Pelican iconography, would be great for Louisiana as it's already on the state flag
Fuck the pelican
This needs to be our logo
Top kek
As apart of our new vetting process we shall make everyone burn down a synagogue
Wouldn't be too tough to do, and we could carry them...
If you don't you're a beta cuck