Message from @SonderSchutz TX
Discord ID: 323329164260278274
There's no way they're actually deleting snaps
Damn. Called it!!!
I always wondered because I remember back when MTV was up to their antics and a quick search explained it.
Jews stole a lot of German surnames. To blend in and probably to make one question their heritage
Have any of you had to go through redpilling your spouse
its hard to ease into a convo for sure
lucky mine hates niggers by default
explaining jews is harder
Yeah. It's been a challenge. It's hard to say she has been such a normie all her life if that's a good term but yeah. It's just nice and slow
@everyone video of the attack on our guy today.
Shit, one of our guys was attacked? I thought Antifa didn't even show
wasn't Antifa
Fucking patriotard idiots. Their token minorities are no fucking better than the screeching degenerates with Antifa.
Im so triggered
Nice, a race traitor choking out le evil racist
This video is so epically retarded
Calling right-wingers "Nazis" regardless of whether they're actually NatSoc or not. Sound familiar?
They forget its political ideology, theyre inconsistent just like the rest of the left
Also any fucking oath keepers should be treated like that commie filth
oath keepers?
They were the "security"
Its a bunch of larpers who think they are soldiers
And dont want to be called "racist"
Ah ok yeah fuck them
Was that /ourguy/ or literally our guy?
Still dont like the kekistani flag so close to the VA flag
He was with us
Big guy with the mask?
Can we get a video with no editing?
skull mask
What group was this?
There is no video of it
hahahahahaha video with no editing are you high
What group was that individual in?
The alt right is a subversion tactic
Im not sure