Message from @roybooneNC
Discord ID: 325086259766755330
>tfw am a Yankee
Not u
I am liked here
I don't even see Hunter Wallace
"based stickman" is a race-mixer
I saw based stick man on there and now I think it's fake
Yeah it's not
He has a following
But unlike Baked Alaska he is openly civic nat
Civic nationalism lmfao
So it's funny to see him share a stage with Heimbach and Invictus
At least Baked Alaska is on our side
He's just easing into full fash
There's a kike company that's trying to buy my work out.
Change all the weight measurements from pounds to shekels
I'll burn that butch to the ground.
Stick man has a spic girlfriend I think
pretty sure she's a mixed spic and rice
"all lives dont"
don't what
Porch monkey saying all lives don't matter.
he needs a banana
That's the narrative pushed by them , if black lives matter , no life does. They are becoming that so called "religion of peace" everyday. I think there should be a round up soon.
Dey wuz kangz doe
I used to use ifunny
First round KO
I'm new at this lol
What's your least favorite race , everyone ?
Red dots
They annoy me the most always asking for gibs
But coming in at second are all the muds thinking they are better than me