Message from @NateTheGreat
Discord ID: 325085482126016512
But I am a huge animal lover so I posted it right away
it could of been deleted
I don't see Dillon or Thomas
Damn my cars reverse just went out.
Or that Yankee fuck
What gives?
>tfw am a Yankee
Not u
I am liked here
I don't even see Hunter Wallace
"based stickman" is a race-mixer
I saw based stick man on there and now I think it's fake
Yeah it's not
He has a following
But unlike Baked Alaska he is openly civic nat
Civic nationalism lmfao
So it's funny to see him share a stage with Heimbach and Invictus
At least Baked Alaska is on our side
He's just easing into full fash
Change all the weight measurements from pounds to shekels
I'll burn that butch to the ground.
Stick man has a spic girlfriend I think
pretty sure she's a mixed spic and rice
"all lives dont"
don't what
Porch monkey saying all lives don't matter.
he needs a banana
That's the narrative pushed by them , if black lives matter , no life does. They are becoming that so called "religion of peace" everyday. I think there should be a round up soon.
Dey wuz kangz doe
I used to use ifunny
First round KO