Message from @Fox Tx
Discord ID: 314776787290816512
Door to door woodchipper squads
Right wing woodchipper squads
@Ben - TX yes, I believe Dillon or someone else in the Vanguard made an actual Fasces
Wood chipper squads find the best beavers.
@Ben - TX Dillon made a fasces and gave it to heimbach at Pikeville
So is there any way to take the NOLA statues home with us
Absolutely Jewish
Good thread from Third Position
Fucking hell, I have to shave for the new project. Reeeeeeeeee!
Sweet tea>>>>>> any other drink
@SonderSchutz TX is the post verified
@Phillip-TX Is it a plant /oilfield job?
What would be your thoughts on a go fund me or wesearcher in our name meant to raise money to buy those confederate monuments that were taken down
They aren't for sale, is the issue
@Chris7577TX yeah man, new chemical plant. I think I have them talked out of it though lol
Shit man, Chris Cornell died. Only one grunge singer left. Eddie Vedder.
@Fox Tx I'm up for helping get them back, we'd need a place to put them, though
We just need a goose neck trailer and a crane
I don't have a crane
I can borrow a goose neck trailer though
I have the truck Kek
It's been a while since I drove the interstate with a heavy load
Tie it down enough and you don't have to be the best driver
>just need a crane
Kek that's true
We can make our own crane
Meet up in NOLA when cause I want to eat some good Cajun food
Just need a winch and some timber
Where would we put the monuments?
A storage building for now
In front of our fashy book store
Anyone have a storage building? Or a fashy book store?
We have a group of goys working on it do you want the discord link