Message from @Eric TX
Discord ID: 323563923427295243
I'll call his corporate tomorrow 😎
I speak corporate 😉
If you are in the driver's seat with an open container that is a DUI
The law isn't enforced on "are they operating the vehicle". The law is enforced on "is it reasonable that they either recently operated, are currently operating, or are about to operate".
He's about to operate the vehicle while intoxicated.
Interesting. Never knew that
Or. Toyota
If you pass out drunk without a container in your driver's seat in your driveway and a cop breathalyzes you, you can get a DUI
Happened to an ex roommate of mine
They went out to get their phone from the car, fell asleep because they locked themselves out of the house, woke up to a DUI charge
I'm sure it varies by state but cursory googling shows TX has the same laws
Choke out one of ours? Lose your fucking job and collect DUI
Nice. Fingers crossed for lost job, DUI, felony assault, and a deportation
Should get worse considering he's a beaner on top of it
I'll see if I can figure out color/year of his truck tomorrow.
If somebody contacts his wife acting like an interested customer, may be possible to get their address from her if she works from home.
Since the photo studio would be same address as home address
Even if she doesnt, would still know her studio address
If you have his name there should be a website to punch it into. In Florida we use IMAPP
Huh. Will look around. In TN we have site you can get info from if you have license plate number but not reverse
As far as I know
Why don't these goys understand that we are simply fighting for our people
Well this guy is aware of it and is using the constitution cucks as a front to breed out white people
Howdy gents
He put up a video where he's laughing at the guys for saying they want their children to be white like they are and then says "yeah we'll all be brown soon enough"
If we could get these constitution cucks on our side we would be solid
If they were really nationalists they would be fighting with us
Agreed. They won't ever wake up though. Certainly not the old ones, and many of them are out of shape and unwilling to put forward the effort to get in shape, so theyd get gassed anyway
This is true
For example in that video from TDS the morbidly obese guy comes up and starts shaking hands at the end, saying he agrees with our side
Completely unaware that anybody as far right as we are is repulsed by him
And a lot of them leave after a few days of being uncomfortable i.e. Oregon
Hey Mac
A ton of them seemed to be trickling over yesterday though, just from the videos
How's it going? Noticed there was some trouble with a based wetback.
I'm sure there are more that didn't want to be seen on camera
Pretty well other than that. Think all we need now is to get him fired and a home address and vehicle info so we can properly report him to ICE
@deactivated Welcome. I'm a Carolina boy
Nice. I'm out in the mountains. What part are you from?