
Discord ID: 197878336087785472

97 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2017-05-08 03:38:04 UTC [Anticom #general]  

What does vetting involve?

2017-06-11 18:09:46 UTC [Anticom #general]  

Looking to be vetted. Any particular times?

2017-06-11 20:52:43 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Howdy gents

2017-06-11 20:56:42 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

How's it going? Noticed there was some trouble with a based wetback.

2017-06-11 20:58:31 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Nice. I'm out in the mountains. What part are you from?

2017-06-11 21:05:13 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@RCO Nick-TX I go there often. Wilmington to be exact. Have family there.

2017-06-11 21:07:18 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@RCO Nick-TX We love it here

2017-06-11 21:09:11 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I hope to meet some soon. Currently in hippie-infested Asheville.

2017-06-11 21:15:14 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@RCO Nick-TX very pozzed.

2017-06-11 21:17:46 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

We've got a guy dressed as a nun riding a giant bike.

2017-06-12 00:05:05 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Where in TN? I'm a couple hours from Knoxville.

2017-06-12 00:06:49 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Ok, almost 4 hours

2017-06-12 00:07:15 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

No not too bad

2017-06-12 01:10:00 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I'm about an hour and a half away from Morristown across the border.

2017-06-12 01:12:12 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Asheville is about an hour and a half from morrisville. I haven't been there before.

2017-06-12 01:12:41 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

There being Morrisville.

2017-06-12 01:22:01 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@redskegg no not if you're in NE TN. We go to Gatlinburg sometimes.

2017-06-12 01:26:08 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@redskegg sounds good. Stay in touch and let me know

2017-06-12 15:02:40 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

The website is pretty bad. Like from the 90's with flesh animations of flags and flaming kkk. And horror movie font.

2017-06-12 15:03:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

flash animations

2017-06-12 17:22:11 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@Thomas Ryan what's the social media PDF?

2017-06-12 17:27:01 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Ok. Once y'all get to know me I'd like to create a local contact for VA, like a twitter or something.

2017-06-12 18:50:25 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I told an oathkeeper I know that his group is persona non grata in my book because of the recent happenings. Another boomer came on and told me I was wrong and stupid. I linked to a video by Very Fake News with Rhodes talking shit. "That's satire" she said. I then realized I was getting into a debate with a boomer and wasting my time.

2017-06-12 18:52:39 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I'm on there yes

2017-06-12 21:41:34 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

How do I get in on the book club?

2017-06-12 21:52:48 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I thought there was a thing where members all read the same book then discuss it.

2017-06-13 14:35:48 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@WACRx great article!

2017-06-13 21:07:05 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

That's one that keeps me up at night. My daughter bedding down with a non-white.

2017-06-13 21:07:29 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

by the way, don't google "interracial abuse"

2017-06-14 12:49:04 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

If anyone is into RAC, I've got a twitter account where I post songs daily. It's @ DailyRAC

2017-06-14 13:37:47 UTC [Southern Front #general]

2017-06-14 13:37:48 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Sam Hyde strikes again

2017-06-14 13:39:18 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Seriously though, it's reported that the gunman asked if they were republicans or democrats before opening fire.

2017-06-14 16:14:28 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

That explains the lack of kill shots.

2017-06-14 16:21:01 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

What's the best way to put up posters? Spray adhesive?

2017-06-14 16:24:13 UTC [Southern Front #general]  


2017-06-14 22:42:41 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@roybooneNC In Boone? I'm in Asheville.

2017-06-14 23:43:17 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@roybooneNC Still, not too far. I travel that way often on my way to the coast.

2017-06-15 00:49:01 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I think I'm the old man here.

2017-06-15 00:50:33 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Invest in mutual funds

2017-06-15 00:51:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Seriously though, I've seen the pro-white movement change a lot.

2017-06-15 00:53:52 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Not sure what that means. Is that the lingo you kids are using these days?

2017-06-15 00:55:59 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Ah. I'd gladly get gassed if it meant my kids could live safe and happy.

2017-06-15 01:00:09 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

It always heart warming when your woman makes racist comments

2017-06-15 01:01:29 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

My grew up in a completely white country and thought all blacks etc were like they are on tv. I brought her back to the states and wishing a day she was like "I hate these niggers"

2017-06-15 01:02:00 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Bought you Mein Kampf. Yeah that's a keeper

2017-06-15 01:02:27 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

*within a day she was like

2017-06-15 01:02:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Matching tattoos?

2017-06-15 01:03:31 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

My wife and I have matching mjollnirs

2017-06-15 01:04:56 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Yeah, I've got a commie hating, virulently racist woman

2017-06-15 01:05:44 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

She's not American yet. Going to get her citizenship soon though.

2017-06-15 01:06:10 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

A 22 year old sheboon? How does that work?

2017-06-15 01:07:27 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Your fiancรฉe lives in the same house?

2017-06-15 01:09:26 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

That sucks. Yeah, disown.

2017-06-15 01:09:35 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

She's from Poland

2017-06-15 01:10:21 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

She's lucky she found a good fascist

2017-06-15 01:10:35 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Meaning Nates fiancรฉ

2017-06-15 01:12:33 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Damn I really feel like an old man now. But I'm glad the youth are coming around.

2017-06-15 01:12:52 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Gives me hope for the future.

2017-06-15 01:15:26 UTC [Southern Front #general]  


2017-06-15 01:15:43 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Going on 22

2017-06-15 01:16:40 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

My wife keeps me young

2017-06-15 01:17:08 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

But my kids age me so it evens out

2017-06-15 01:17:51 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Probably because they married the wrong person. A good wife is a great thing to have.

2017-06-15 01:18:56 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

This is just the end of a cycle. We'll have a new golden age.

2017-06-15 01:19:51 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I haven't seen a Muslim in awhile but I do remember them acting hostile

2017-06-15 01:22:04 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Damn. They wanted to dump a bunch a refugees here but decided against it

2017-06-15 01:24:16 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

But they will get better. It's just that the next crusade may be to Western Europe

2017-06-15 01:26:28 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Damn Atlanta sucks. The closest one to me is an hour away

2017-06-15 01:28:03 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Oh wait no, there's one here.

2017-06-15 01:28:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I listen to forward observer podcast, but that's only interesting if you're interested in intel

2017-06-15 01:29:07 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

What kind of music?

2017-06-15 01:30:33 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I've got a whole library of WN music but it's all rock and things like that. I've been told it's degenerate.

2017-06-15 01:31:14 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I like Mr. Bond too

2017-06-15 01:31:18 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

That's what I say

2017-06-15 01:38:07 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Currently reading Evola's "Handbook for Rightwing Youth". Just a collection of his essays.

2017-06-15 01:39:23 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

As for music I have a twitter page that posts music daily.

2017-06-15 01:40:02 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@ DailyRAC It's all RAC and thing is old folks like.

2017-06-15 01:40:36 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@WACRx Thanks I was wondering what happened

2017-06-15 14:01:57 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Would it be a good idea to have the Charlottesville rally professionally filmed? We specialize in filming events and don't have anything going on in August at the moment.

2017-06-15 15:18:34 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

@Thomas Ryan Ill start planning that then.

2017-06-15 15:36:30 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Does anyone read It's a site about intelligence, counter-intelligence, etc. The guy does classes (been to one in person and many online), intel reporting and things like that. It's geared toward the III% crowd but he has some good info on antifa and on a personal level I can see him moving further and further to the right.

2017-06-15 15:37:12 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I'm a member so if anyone wants to check our recordings of his webinars let me know and I can create a torrent or something.

2017-06-15 15:38:52 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

These days intel and the ability to analyze it is gold.

2017-06-15 18:38:41 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

There's a national server?

2017-06-15 18:40:52 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

A female big

2017-06-15 18:40:58 UTC [Southern Front #general]  


2017-06-15 18:42:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Based grandpa

2017-06-15 18:43:28 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I learned jigaboo from my mom

2017-06-15 18:43:52 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I was talking about Nathan's grandfather

2017-06-15 18:44:12 UTC [Southern Front #general]  


2017-06-15 22:38:22 UTC [Southern Front #general]

2017-06-15 22:38:53 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Apparently blacks getting hurt is a real crowd pleaser.

2017-06-26 21:49:51 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

Guys, sorry I've been absent. I got a whole lot of shit dropped on me all at once, including having to fire an employee and pick up those work.

2017-06-26 22:31:47 UTC [Southern Front #general]  

I'll check. It all depend on if my shooters are both available to work.

97 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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