Message from @CarletonJ

Discord ID: 450830559317327872

2018-05-15 01:15:36 UTC  

Finally, a major theme is that gentiles have often been actively recruited to the movements discussed here and given highly visible roles within these movements in order to lessen the appearance that the movements are indeed Jewish-dominated or aimed only at narrow Jewish sectarian interests. From the standpoint of social identity theory, such a strategy aims at making gentiles perceive the intellectual or political movement as permeable to non-Jews and as satisfying gentile interests. As indicated in SAID (Chs. 5, 6), the rhetoric of universalism and the recruitment of gentiles as advocates of Jewish interests have been recurrent themes in combating anti-Semitism in both the ancient and modern world.

2018-05-15 01:29:45 UTC  

**Several writers have commented on the “radical changes” that occurred in the goals and methods of the social sciences consequent to the entry of Jews to these fields (Liebman 1973, 213; see also Degler 1991; Hollinger 1996; Horowitz 1993, 75; Rothman & Lichter 1982). Degler (1991, 188ff) notes that the shift away from Darwinism as the fundamental paradigm of the social sciences resulted from an ideological shift rather than from the emergence of any new empirical data. He also notes that Jewish intellectuals have been instrumental in the decline of Darwinism and other biological perspectives in American social science since the 1930s (p. 200). The opposition of Jewish intellectuals to Darwinism has long been noticed (Lenz 1931, 674; see also comments of John Maynard Smith in Lewin [1992, 43]).**

2018-05-19 16:34:52 UTC  

@CarletonJ Could you continue to post your notes on CoC here? Maybe not all of them, but what you think is most relevant or significant...

2018-05-19 17:40:38 UTC  

@Aleis⊕ccidentalis when I get some time - which isn't looking hopeful in the future with my work schedule lol... I plan on uploading all of notes from every BOTM to separate docs.

2018-05-19 17:41:18 UTC  

Basically this would allow people to take from the books the most crucial information without having to read them. I think it would be beneficial.

2018-05-19 18:07:20 UTC  

For sure...I mostly just want something to solidify the key ideas, stats and other information after reading the book (and to copy the notes myself). Even if it isn't for awhile, I'd definitely appreciate if you posted what you've got!

2018-05-29 00:30:10 UTC  

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.

Definition of psychoanalysis: a system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.

2018-05-29 00:42:44 UTC  

*Western culture has been placed on the couch, and the role of psychoanalysis
is to help the patient adjust somewhat to a sick, psychopathology-inducing
society: “While psychoanalytic theory recognizes that the sickness of the
individual is ultimately caused and sustained by the sickness of his civilization,
psychoanalytic therapy aims at curing the individual so that he can continue to
function as part of a sick civilization without surrendering to it altogether”
(Marcuse 1974, 245).*

2018-05-29 00:47:46 UTC  

*Finally, it is reasonable to conclude that Freud’s real analysand was gentile
culture, and that psychoanalysis was fundamentally an act of aggression toward
that culture. The methodology and institutional structure of psychoanalysis may
be viewed as attempts to brainwash gentile culture into passively accepting the
radical criticism of gentile culture entailed by the fundamental postulates of
psychoanalysis. Draped in scientific jargon, the authority of the analyst depended
ultimately on a highly authoritarian movement in which dissent resulted in
expulsion and elaborate rationalizations in which such behavior was

2018-05-29 00:51:33 UTC  

thanks for this

2018-05-29 00:52:45 UTC  

*Besides controlling his male underlings, Freud used psychoanalysis to path-
ologize female resistance to male sexual advances. This is apparent in the famous
analysis of the teenage Dora, who rejected the advances of an older married man.
Dora’s father sent her to Freud because he wanted her to accede to the man’s
advances as an appeasement gesture because the father was having an affair with
the man’s wife. Freud obligingly attributed Dora’s rejection to repressing
amorous desires toward the man. The message is that 14-year-old girls who reject
the sexual advances of older married men are behaving hysterically. An
evolutionist would interpret her behavior as an understandable (and adaptive)
consequence of her evolved psychology. Reflecting the generally positive
accounts of Freud in the popular media of the 1950s, Donald Kaplan (1967), a
lay analyst writing in Harper’s, wrote that Freud had “exercised his finest
ingenuity” in the case of Dora: “Three months with Freud may have been the
only experience with unimpeachable integrity in her long, unhappy life.” Lakoff and Coyne (1993) conclude their discussion of Dora by arguing that in general
psychoanalysis was characterized by thought control, manipulation, and
debasement of the analysand. Crews (1993, 56) also describes a “scarcely
believable” case in which Freud manipulated Horace Frink, president of the New
York Psychoanalytic Society, into a disastrous divorce and remarriage to an
heiress, the latter event to be accompanied by a sizable financial contribution to
the psychoanalytic movement. Frink’s second wife later divorced him. Both
divorces were accompanied by episodes of manic depression.*

2018-05-29 00:53:30 UTC  

**Freud obligingly attributed Dora’s rejection to repressing
amorous desires toward the man. The message is that 14-year-old girls who reject
the sexual advances of older married men are behaving hysterically.**

2018-05-29 00:58:12 UTC  

*The cure for the aggression characteristic of anti-Semitism was therefore
believed to lie in freeing gentiles from their sexual repressions. Although Freud
himself eventually developed the idea of a death instinct to explain aggression, a
consistent theme of the Freudian critique of Western culture, as exemplified for
example by Norman O. Brown, Herbert Marcuse, and Wilhelm Reich, has been
that the liberation of sexual repressions would lead to lowered aggression and
usher in an era of universal love.*

2018-05-29 01:06:46 UTC  

*These relationships went far beyond mere loyalty, however. “[Ernest] Jones had grasped the fact that to be a friend of Freud’s meant being a sycophant. It meant opening oneself completely to him, to be willing to pour out all one’s confidences to him” (Grosskurth 1991, 48). “Jones believed that to disagree with Freud (the father) was tantamount to patricide (father murder),” so that when Sandor Ferenczi disagreed with Freud on the reality of childhood sexual abuse, Jones called him a “homicidal maniac” (Masson 1990, 152).*

2018-05-29 01:08:38 UTC  

*Reflecting the utility of psychoanalysis as an instrument of psychological domination and thought control, Freud himself refused to be analyzed. Freud’s refusal resulted in difficulties with Jung (Jung 1961) and, much later, with Ferenczi, who commented that the refusal was an example of Freud’s arrogance (Grosskurth 1991, 210-211). In contrast, Freud used psychoanalysis to sexually humiliate two of his most fervent disciples, Ferenczi and Jones. Freud’s analysis of the women involved in relationships with Ferenczi and Jones resulted in the women leaving the men but remaining on friendly terms with Freud (see Grosskurth 1991, 65). Grosskurth suggests that Freud’s actions were a test of his disciples’ loyalty, and the fact that Jones continued in the movement after this humiliation indicates the extent to which Freud’s followers showed unquestioned obedience to their master.*

2018-05-29 01:19:41 UTC  

*As I have noted, perceived anti-Semitism would be expected to exacerbate the tendency to subject gentile culture to radical criticism. There is excellent evidence that Freud was intensely concerned with anti-Semitism, perhaps dating from the anti-Semitic incident involving his father (e.g., Rice 1990; Rothman & Isenberg 1974a,b; Yerushalmi 1991). Indeed, as expected on the basis of social identity theory, Gay (1987, 138) notes that Freud’s Jewish identity was most intense “when times were hardest for Jews.*

2018-05-29 01:20:47 UTC  

*A strong connection exists between anti-Semitism and Freud’s hostility to Rome. Freud’s conscious identification with Hannibal occurred following an anti-Semitic incident involving his father in which his father behaved passively. Freud’s response to the incident was to visualize “the scene in which Hannibal’s father, Hamilcar Barca, made his boy swear before the household altar to take vengeance on the Romans. Ever since that time Hannibal had… a place in my phantasies” (in McGrath 1974, 35). “Rome was the center of Christian civilization. To conquer Rome would certainly be to avenge his father and his people” (Rothman & Isenberg 1974a, 62). Cuddihy (1974, 54) makes the same point: “Like Hamilcar’s son Hannibal, he will storm Rome seeking vengeance. He will control his anger, as his father had done, but he will use it to probe relentlessly beneath the beautiful surface of the diaspora to the murderous rage and lust coiled beneath its so-called civilities.*

2018-05-29 01:37:03 UTC

2018-05-29 01:37:12 UTC

2018-05-29 01:46:26 UTC  

Hey guys, I gotta run. Good talking to you all as usual. Talk to you next week!

2018-05-29 01:54:33 UTC  

You too

2018-11-13 00:12:19 UTC  
2018-11-13 00:12:19 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``

2018-11-13 00:12:19 UTC  

**Playing** 🎶 `We Are Genetaion Identity | Generation Identity by Markus Willinger` - Now!

2018-11-13 00:13:32 UTC  


*You want to know who we are? Where we come from? What moves us?
We’ll tell you.
We are the changing times; we are the rising wind; the new generation. We are the answer to you, for we are your children.
You’ve thrown us into this world, uprooted and
disoriented, without telling us where to go, or where our path lies. You’ve destroyed every means for us to orient ourselves.
You’ve reduced the Church to rubble, so that now only a few of us still find refuge in the ruins of that community.
You’ve devalued the state, so that none of us wants to serve it anymore.
You’ve split the family. Our domestic idyll has been plunged into divorce, conflict and violence.*

2018-11-13 00:13:49 UTC  

*You’ve subjected love to a reductionist deconstruction, and so instead of a deep bond, only the animal drive remains.
You’ve ruined the economy, so we inherit mountains of debt.
You’ve questioned and criticised everything, so we now believe in nothing and no one.
You’ve left us no values, yet you now accuse us of being amoral.
But we are not.

You’ve promised yourselves a utopia, a peaceful, multicultural society of prosperity and tolerance.
We are the heirs of this utopia, and our reality looks very different.
You buy your peace with ever-mounting debt.  Today, we’re watching your prosperity disappear throughout Europe.
For us, your multicultural society means nothing but hatred and violence.
In the name of your ‘tolerance’ you hunt down all who criticise you, and call those you hunt intolerant.
We’ve had enough!
Your utopias have lost all legitimacy for us.
Realise at last that we don’t live in a unified world or in a global village. Wars, the poor, and the oppressed will always be with us. This world will never be a heaven on Earth.*

2018-11-13 00:13:54 UTC  

*Your delusions have only accomplished one thing:
You have uprooted your children.
We are the lost, the homeless. ‘Who are we?’ we ask ourselves. ‘Where are we going?’
We’ve seen through your answers and understood that they are lies. We aren’t ‘humanity’ and we don’t want
your paradise.
So we have come up with our own answer to these questions.
We turn to what you have demonised. To ourselves.
We search for our identity, and find it under the rubble of your destructive rage. We must dig deep to find ourselves again.
Our history, our homeland, and our culture give us what you have taken from us.
We don’t want to be citizens of the world. We are happier with our own countries.
We don’t want the end of history, for our history doesn’t give us cause to complain.
We don’t want a multicultural society where our own culture is left to burn in the melting pot. We are less demanding than you, yet we want so much more!

While you’ve chased utopias your entire lives, we want real values. What we demand actually exists; to possess it is our ancestral right. We desire nothing more than our inheritance, and won’t tolerate your withholding it any longer.
We are the answer to you and to the failure of your utopia.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:16:22 UTC  


2018-11-13 00:16:22 UTC  

📭 **Successfully disconnected**

2018-11-13 00:20:35 UTC  


*We’re a great riddle to you. An incomprehensible phenomenon.
Our words and deeds refute all your theories and arguments.
We live in the world you dreamt of, yet this world disgusts us.
Thanks to you, we could develop free from all social obligations and values; thanks to you we go lost and lonely through life.
You’ve destroyed everything that could have offered us identity and refuge, yet you’re shocked that we’re unhappy.
For deep in us lies a constant feeling of being alone, of being lost. We do everything to numb this feeling.
We throw the wildest parties and meet in glowing malls; we dance all night, take drugs, or hide behind our computers. Any means is justified in order to overcome this loneliness, but we are always still alone in the end.
You have taught us that we can buy anything. But where can we buy a remedy for loneliness?

Not that we didn’t try. With brand names, labels, and the latest clothing styles, we want to belong to a certain group. It may seem laughable to you, but for us, this is
one of the last remaining possibilities to somehow find a place where we belong.
Sometimes we manage to convince ourselves in our despair that we are absolutely unique, that we don’t need to belong to anything. In this way we give ourselves strength when the loneliness overcomes us.
Even if, one day, we become part of a group, because our innermost selves long for identity and belonging, we still can’t enjoy it. We always hear your nagging voices in
our heads, warning us about the dangers of peer pressure and the loss of our individuality. This inner conflict plunges us into yet deeper despair.

The dark companion of loneliness is boredom.
It’s the boredom that first reveals how lonely we are.
We don’t ever want to be bored, because then we couldn’t lie to ourselves anymore.
Yet boredom is our constant companion. It envelops us like a dark cloud and makes itself felt whenever we briefly pause from our frenzied searching.*

2018-11-13 00:20:46 UTC  

*This is why we seek to numb our boredom and loneliness, with means that become ever wilder and ever more reckless. But no artificial euphoria lasts long enough to bring us peace. No pleasure leads us to anything but desperate collapse. So we wander through life, half-lost and half-high.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:32:53 UTC  


*Sometimes we hear that there were once people who saw their highest honour in dedicating their lives to the service of the state.
We can’t understand or relate to this, as you have made us loathe the state, rotting as it is from the inside.
You’ve demonised it as an instrument of oppression. You wanted to abolish the state by any means.
But you have failed. While all of you fought the state, the commonest and greediest among you seized control of it and became what today passes for politicians.
The rest of you turned away from government service, and thereby left politics to the most repulsive representatives of your generation. And so the government became nothing but another opportunity to make money for oneself and one’s friends.

We bear the consequences of your failure. We pay the price for the fact that you were ‘too good’ to go into politics.
We don’t hate the state, we despise it. But abolish it?
That would never have occurred to us.
We are realists. We know that the state is a necessary evil.
We are pessimists. We don’t expect anything but lies from politicians.

You went to vote bursting with enthusiasm, proud of your right to have a say. We can only laugh at your naïveté.
None of us still believes today that he can change something with his vote. We only vote if there’s nothing good on TV.
The politicians of all the parties are the same to us. They all say the same thing, after all.
They promised the Moon. Unemployment, poverty, crime, and everything bad would be banished, if only we would vote for them. Except that as soon as they won, their words always turned out to be nothing but empty

2018-11-13 00:33:27 UTC  

*So we stopped voting. For as long as we can
remember, we haven’t cared which parties attempt to exploit us. The politicians are, for us, all the same old windbags without the slightest conception of the problems and worries of our generation.

You rule over us and run the political system only for yourselves. You don’t care about the youth. And so we don’t care about you. Leave us alone, and don’t bother to try to act like our friends. We see through your grinning
PR masks at first glance.
We don’t want anything to do with you and your pathetic schemes, and you yourselves are the reason why. Your politics disgust us. Your scrabble for power and influence repels us. You repel us.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:38:12 UTC  


*On countless TV series you make us watch the lives of synthetically perfect families. We are hungry for such images, as they are the exact opposite of the reality you have brought into being.

In your unprecedented arrogance, you claimed that the family was no longer necessary. Father, mother, and child are supposedly an outdated model. You leapt gleefully to the task of stamping out the family.
That which should have been our place of refuge and source of inspiration became the stage for countless arguments and fights.
Your ideal was to enjoy success and the good life. And so you enjoyed life. But who watched out for your children?*

2018-11-13 00:38:29 UTC  

*You were egoists, and you divorced a thousand times without once thinking about what that would mean for us.
You wanted to have a career and to make money. So you moved to go wherever the best jobs were, and didn't give a thought to our welfare and stability.

You left us sitting alone in front of the TV, where the perfect life was presented to us every day. Full of rage, we compared our sad reality with the fantasy worlds into which we submerged ourselves.

A perpetual, deep resentment lies buried within us, as we know in our hearts that we were betrayed and tricked out of that which is most important. We can’t articulate this
resentment, but we take it out on you.

You often accuse us of acting irrationally — a justified accusation, as we don’t act rationally, thoughtfully or logically.
We are the generation of the heart and of feeling, and our actions are determined by nothing other than a deep longing for the shelter you should have provided us.
The ideals of TV became our ideals. We have made them our own and we all dream of a wonderful family.

This is what you threw away as old-fashioned and pointless; we want nothing more.
No one showed us how to build a family, or told us how to stick together or resolve a conflict. We have failed a thousand times in trying to realise our ideal.

Since you have run the economy into the ground, we must be ‘flexible’ and look for work wherever we can get it; it prevents us from realising our dream a million times over.

To pay for our pensions, we’ll have to work more than all the generations before us; we know now that you'll even rob us of our future well-being, on top of everything else.*

2018-11-13 00:38:44 UTC  

*You rush across the globe to inject life into your dying economy and to delay paying back your debts, to keep your own pensions rolling in.

Yet our dream remains a happy family and future.

However many roadblocks you put in our path, we won't give up this dream.
For we are generation identity.*