Message from @syb112
Discord ID: 459644662672523264
MilitantZone has an art contest, everyone who likes NSBM and can do art, check it out
women are so picky that they have to make babies artificially
looks like you were beat to it
Line em up in one line
is this the one- punch man?
It's run by the Syndicalist Youth Organisation, a part of antifa
truth or terror-threat?
Fuck off Russia
Russia is like, get em while they’re hot folks. Everyone loves white people for their work ethic then replace them with Asians and other non whites when the time is right.
Russia isn't based, but they want the south africans for their skills.. it's not about their skin color
That’s what I mean. Work ethic= better economic output for Russia. They don’t actually care about their plight at all, it’s what they can get out of it.