Message from @Bork
Discord ID: 449289335171186689
Reported for harassment
is that gabe newell without Assburger head?
le happy gaben
Simon Lindberg search has photo linking to one of my articles about Sweden and NRM
god bless patrick little
we need more of this
bork please
mods will have to tell me if this is too extream for shitposting
@maddenjohn40 we're National Socialists, not "nazis".
ye I know
the pic needs to be updated
factchecked* not updated since it never was factchecked form start lol
๐ thanks
jesus christ
the skinheads has been a disaster for the natsoc movement
better than alt right faggots though
Well the oldschool ones were fine since they killed niggers
William Luther Pierce was right, skinheads only drag the movement down the dirt