Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449294031932096522
the pic needs to be updated
factchecked* not updated since it never was factchecked form start lol
🙏 thanks
jesus christ
the skinheads has been a disaster for the natsoc movement
better than alt right faggots though
Well the oldschool ones were fine since they killed niggers
William Luther Pierce was right, skinheads only drag the movement down the dirt
we need more william luther pierces, we need more rockwells
we literally only have fighters and muscle in the movement right now
no thinkers of philosophers
we need the brains in the suits
Lmao implying we don't have brains
No rethoric?
mostly, where is the william luther pierce of our movement
There is a lot of clever people
Idealistic people
Fuck outta here with that "intellectual" shit. The NRM has some of the most well educated people in ideology, economics and history I've ever met
@Vaskebjørn why dont they show that off then
ive never seen that in their media
@maddenjohn40 now i know you are retarded and dont just pretend to be^^ what do you call the ones in radio, writing articles, video etc..
@maddenjohn40 that first symbol is not faggots symbol
>mostly, where is the william luther pierce of our movement
"Our movement"? You're not even in the movement.
im a support member for nmr my guy
Well I don't know what you've been doing if you don't see any "brains" in the movement when we've got a boat load of people with different degrees and academic background. Hell I'm one of the academics in the movement.
You obviously haven't been paying attention. What makes Pierce so much superior to our guys
Just at Nordfront we've got a ton of people with an academic background
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Commies are fags
That sniff glue
@Deleted User @Vaskebjørn these academics should be shown more tbh
maybe im just overreacting since ive been bombarded by skinhead teir posters here