Message from @Deleted User 0414763c
Discord ID: 611652340180582401
Not white nationalists
Intermixing sub racial groups takes away the point of having pride in oneβs ethnicity and even loving oneβs history and lore
Euromuttism is just as bad as race mixing
There is no Nordic if there is no exclusively Germanic/Nordic people
Euromuttism is such an american word. Biological race is the important thing, ethnicity comes second. We are not "ethnic nationalists", we are national socialists.
National Socialism includes Ethnic Nationalism.
Not really, only for practical reasons. What makes Nordics great is their common racial stock, not individual or common ethnic origins. Same genes can be found among Aryans around the globe.
Making a nation out of a common ethnic origin is smart because of things like language benefits, or a similar culture. We are not intrested in removing ethnic origins in some kind of melting pot, but instead making them stronger and inherently ethnic, instead of confusing ethnicities to be nations.
An example from history is the UK, different ethnicities, same country. Another example is the Reich, different german ethnicities, same country. Not to mention places like western Russia and China.
With this I mean Germanic with Germanic etc
I cant identify with someone just because they are the same race as me tbh. Mainly russians because of our history
Russians should thus intermarry with Ukrainians and Belo-Russians
> I cant identify with someone just because they are the same race as me tbh. Mainly russians because of our history
And you dont need to identify with them. Ethnic conflicts tear people apart, just like theyve done in the UK, with scots and such.
It turns out as with so many things in life that a middle path is perfect, autistic WN all white brothers are welcome, is kinda tarded. Autistic swedish imperialism, is retarded. But a middle way of a common Nordic identity is perfect.
@Baxto 2.0 Hitler said National Socialism isnβt for export
NS is ethnic nationalism also
Iβm a pan ethnic nationalist and I think all the Germanic peoples should unite for a pan ethnic state
And that the boundaries once drawn for their countries should be retained but instead countries will be pronounced
Nordic identity is ethnic identity
You can be ethnically Nordic and live anywhere in the world
People cannot necessarily choose where they are born
But they should always in any case have a home if they are deserving of it
If their genes say they belong there then they do.
Thatβs what Hitlerβs point was, the Germanic people will not survive unless they become a united community of sacrifice
You can be Germanic and not Nordic, Vice versa
Which is why breeding programs were established
Doesnβt mean you canβt love a chick
It means that you have to find certain characteristics that will be favorable toward your children
"U have to be german"
Seems bullshit but ok
> Iβm a pan ethnic nationalist and I think all the Germanic peoples should unite for a pan ethnic state
So you think Celts are not welcome there?
Why would they come there in the first place?
Celts are not Germanic
Its to make a point, germanics are celts. Reality is biological, not ethnic.
Sweden is an example of this in action even, to call all swedes the same ethnic group is ridiculous, the ""animosity"" can be seen and language differences are wild. Examples
Scanians arguably speak a dialect more different from official swedish, than norwegian is. Γlvdalingar speak old norse, and can communicate with icelandics. People in Tornedalen have more in common with finland than they do with most of sweden.
""Sweden"" is an arbitrary construct and we might as well just call it all nordic now that we dont operate based on monarchies any more.
Sweden is still Germanic
Ye but u still have gay flags on busses
Here in Sweden
I live in the Netherlands
We dont have that yet