Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449230764354174978
woke ni🅱🅱a
he hit 3 gypsies, one had pellets in his head and another one had it's cheek blown off
and all of them survived anyway
shame we have shitter laws regardig almost anything
fuching wyverns
well he went to jail, so..
he probably reads siege
i could deny the holocaust and wave roman salutes all day just by going to BG
it's like less than 1 hour i guess
i think yes
Southern Dobrujda is near
i visited it in 2016
also Varna
as long as it doesnt count as "promoting fascist and antidemocratic ideas"
give northern dobrudja faggot
no we'll lose ports
we'll help you genocide turks if you want
after all Turkish landstrip in Europe belongs to Greece and BG
greece has enough
the time of bulgarian constantinople(aka tsarigrad) has come
what about western bulgaria
this year at lukovmarch we had a macedonian organisation that supports the fact that they're just western bulgarians
it's the first such organization to come to a bulgarian march
also we recently had st. george's day, which is our "day of the bulgarian military and braveness" we had a macedonian detachment participate in the military parade
for the first time in 3 years we got the mig-29s to fly at that parade as well and i almost cried when i saw them and our Mi-24s
the 3 migs did some vertical spiral maneuver thing, so their engines were facing the crowd and it smelled like jet fuel, fucking amazing
Speaking of gypsys
Gotta love
We need to do that here aswell. To many gypsies around