Message from @Keaton (Kentucky)
Discord ID: 449720211529138196
Getting into office with the current system is next to impossible
But revolution could be necessary
did david duke get his face burned at one point in life?
I'm not aware if so
We do not associate with the Klu Klux Klan
@Keaton (Kentucky) What do you think about the NSM?
When it was under Rockwell it was great but now it is degenerate
david duke doesnt associate or affiliate with the KKK.
@Keaton (Kentucky) Rockwell was never the leader of the NSM
KKK wants white power to ensure McDonalds is strictly white personell
NSM came from the ANP
In 1974 after Rockwell's death
Are you able to do a Voice chat
Nah, My headphones are broken
Who would I speak to, to cooperate in a podcast
I'm not even a member of NRM lol
I'm not even in Scandinavia lmao
Where are you Nationwise
@Keaton (Kentucky) it is 2AM-3AM in the Nordic so probably not the best time to reach someone
Good point I do apologize
@Keaton (Kentucky) Nationwise? That would be Polish but I live in the US.
The US?
I will attempt to connect with the movement in another few hours
Come back in like... 10-12 hours
I can try
@Keaton (Kentucky) why you want to contact the NRM?
To possibly cooperate a podcast
We are a rising American Natsoc movement
what movement?
We rebranded to National Idealists
American Union of National Idealists
How many members, If I can ask?
Currently after existing since February. Between 150 to 200 members across the US I would assume