Message from @solonik
Discord ID: 449882598206865408
20 grader o vindstilla
Kan inte bli bättre väder
@Bork Ja,kanske är det. Såg bara tidningen och tänkte att nu är väl helvetet här igen.
Oh lovely, the social democrats and Moderates are in ystad. Awesome.
@Mr. Navarone Good chance to show what we think of them.
I needed toilet paper anyway
No police was there tho? Did not turn into a scene?
I had one of them try to chase me
Sadly, it was an old lady, meanwhile the fully grown dudes were just standing there
That lady had more balls than them clearly
haha,okey xD
Lmao the Centers are having their stand in an alley nobody goes to
Haha. They lost their soul a long time ago. They themself have no idea what they stand for these day i bet. Annie,what a joke.
men det är ju enligt lag olagligt att vara kriminell i sverige 😮
if i have a facebook that i dont remmeber the email for. how do i find out what my email for that facebook acc is?
Didn't Facebook force you to connect your phone number like the rest of us
they did
Fuck Facebook. Use Vk. Its better atleast.
@Mr. Navarone yes when i create new ones but this one i created in like 2014 so no phonnumber connected. anyway i sorted it 😛
@Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman how is vk better? people get HMF charges from posting stuff on vk too^^
nvm the message about adding a phone number just popped up^^ wonder how long til they lock this account too then like they did with my other one i had no number ocnnected too
No this is antifa
*smash the fash*
Ye my goy
I'll drink soy to that
<@175296170346807296> this is Nordic Frontier's discord
@Bork Well atleast it's more free there than on Zuckerbergbook. On Facebook they police you every second.
dunly is a legend
@Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman well id rather get banned for a month on facebook than HMF charge on VK for expressing my views^^
not saying that cant happen on facebook but it has not happned to me yet lol
Ave vk