Message from @Frost
Discord ID: 451076144905584650
What'd EDL be?
who was having an argument, Jo cox intervened and got stabbed
You don't have to work for a big company though, a lot of work is less formal than that
then they turned it into a big story
English Defence Leauge.
Also it's more of a commitment getting a degree isn't it
Do you live in the UK witan?
Yeah I'm English
Weren't she shot?
By a sawn off rifle
You can lose a job one week and pick one up the next week
Stabbed and then shot
Don't know about where you live but where I live it's all big companies and chains and the small businesses are owned by pakis
Yes, if you want to live on minimum wage
Well I'm from London but I'm not working at the moment
good luck supporting a family on that when a house where I live is minimum 300k
well then you know
a job you can just pick up is shit pay and you can't support a family on that
Can't have a house
Yeah well you should move honestly
London is full of pakis, but has lots of small independant businesses
still, supporting a family on the sort of wage you'd get from a dead end job is near impossible
The thing is that you could end up working for a big company and if you get fired you can go and work for another one
Not necessarily.
Companies require references etc
and if you were fired for racial discrimination then you're in a bit of shit
There's options that's all I'm saying
There's few. If you want to support a family etc, you need to have a steady source of employment, which will be difficult if you're openly an activist. But, if you keep your record clean, avoid trouble with the police etc, then yes youll be fine. As long as the company isn't aware of your activities, you'll be fine
If the government brings in the laws it wants to, regarding arrests for "discrimination" that will get very hard, very quick
Good topic for tonight
@here and we're live
ty for the ping i will listen