Message from @syb112
Discord ID: 456671243383603213
Donât promote degenerate overconsumption of video games here
Did someone say video games :0
@Deleted User I play a couple of hours every week or so to relax myself nowdays.
Me too but we should promote something better instead
This is not good? ;D
@Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman Elderscrolls. Nordic race every time.
@PYCAHOđ ± Yes. Haha
I play a Thalmor because they are Akatosh's chosen people.
Dunmer master race
The high elves reject Talos out of the 9 divine because he was a false messiah
>high elves
pick one
@syb112 Nords are the sons of the Atmorans, the first race and a race of hero kings.
the High Elves told me that that was what Neo Stormcloaks say that they are the Atmoryan master race. You racist bigot.
@Hvitulfr Are you one of those people who think that the Dunmer immigration into Skyrim is a bad thing? They suffered a huge volcano explosion which destroyed most of their land and they have nowhere else to go.
Who fucking cares
@syb112 Even as that may be, every other race has its own land and borders within Tamriel. The Nords are not even having this debate.
We will see, the EU (or Empire Union) will defeat the "Stormcloak Nationalists" and order will be restored for a healthy multicultural Skyrim.
We all know it is the Aldmeri Dominion who are really calling the shots. We know you want to create greater Altmerel and establish dominance over the sons of the Atmoryans.
I refuse further conversation with a unhinged conspiracy theorist.
Also, you are Anti-Aldmeri
@syb112 As any true Nord should be. Such words are words of honor for us...
Around elves watch yourselves!
Based Australians
Based us
Antipodean Resistance is cool, our radio show interviewed one of their guys a while back.
He is referring to the incident where aus soldiers in afghanistan flew a swazi
Kommunisterna inom Miljöpartiet Àr i Hallonbergen och delar flygblad lol.
Jared Taylor won the twitter case
Hmm. Jag har en frĂ„ga. SĂ„ man fĂ„r inte ha piercingar inom MotstĂ„ndsrörelsen? ĂndĂ„ tycker jag man ser mĂ„nga medlemar med det i öronen dĂ„ frĂ€mst. SĂ„ hur ligger det till egentligen?
de Àr samma med att skinnskallar inte tillÄts i rörelsen
vetefan hur reglerna gÄr till
@Dr Kike Broccoliwitz Lenderman HÄller med, skinnskallar Àr vÀldigt motsÀgande för rörelsen, de fungerar som svart propaganda för rörelsen. Det finns en anledning varför det inte var tillÄtet i National Socialistiska rörelsen 1930.
För att det inte fanns skinnskallar pĂ„ 30talet đ€