Message from @Tunnekylmä - Ted Bundy Inc
Discord ID: 473929034510761984
<:noyank:449290177454669824> Muh Roman Catholic values.
Well, if a Nazi racialist state comes in Europe, let's take in Syrian "refugees" but isolate them and have them work in halal factories.
I've been in Helsinki for 2 weeks now, who wants to meet up
@Exitus PM me your phone number
you have a Finnish one?
If you are interested in coming and doing some activism
@ETERNAL_BOOMER National Socialists care for the wellbeing of animals. They don't do halal or kosher killings.
Yes, I know. It was meant as a joke
I'm back
@Deleted User Hmmm... Is this the right burger or not? Welcome anyways...
No I'm the wrong burger
We don't know each other
no such thing as a wrong burger
It is the right Burger 🇺🇸! :) Welcome back!
Thanks mate
I just got back out of the fryer
Gotta get dressed in some buns now
I honestly thought that you meant the fryer as the thing (((some white people))) change their skin color <:nigg:430770557274030090> and the buns as the manbun <:sadwojakfacepalm:430770557223436288>
I am slow currently.
I figured that the Asian genes would make you faster
<:spurdo:449290177446281217> <:spurdo:449290177446281217> <:spurdo:449290177446281217>
Oh fugg it's the 🅱ongols
Finno-Ugric Masterrace*** <:vastarinta:427565803961843717> <:vastarinta:427565803961843717>
Please spare me Perkele
Make me an honorary Finngolian shitposter <:spurdo:449290177446281217>
Alright, let's take this to <#448910393876676618> so we do not get banned <:vastarinta:427565803961843717>
Go ask Perkele for me because I don't speak Finnish
Okay lol
>tfw no finno-korea hyperwar