Message from @Tunnekylmä - Ted Bundy Inc
Discord ID: 474288119185801227
Survive the jive was there aswell
I want to listen to the song<:adolflol:449290174082318339>
But i cant because its live
Dat focking anglo accent moi8
do you guys also have this little moments
when you wake up in the morning and you realize you are blessed to have been born white
@Deleted User hectic situation about the jewels
@Deleted Useris there more news?
Not that I'm aware of, I haven't been following it
They haven't been found yet
Just know that some skitz cunt decided to steal the crown jewels and sped off in a speed boat
Absolute mad dog
A gang of niggers took Karl XIs funeral regalia
Where's the fucking Kristallnacht - Sweden edition
depopulated like the rest of the continent
Fuck that
The world is Aryan living space
Not the Pacific Northwest
Americans are not Aryan
They are.
I'd rather see Chinese living there than huwhyte Americans
Can't even consider them human
I will take 1000 wives and populate that area after we purge it of mutts
I agree, Chinks aren't humans.
Usa is either
A. Land for native americans
B. Lamd of whites
A. Its their land and they lived there thousands of years
B. Whites build it up and therefore its theirs
That was never up for debate, but Americans are not humans either @Tunnekylmä - Ted Bundy Inc
@Deleted User You are a muslim?
wish I had a veiled gf right now
HMan's 1001 veiled wives.
Almost time for evening prayer brother
Which way to Mecca?