Message from @MHAF1234 aka Bob the Builder
Discord ID: 489859576783437828
no lol
theyre social democrats
not even socialists
I heard that the Social Dems in Sweden have sang “The international”.
they might have
they are just wannabe socialists
reminder that AfS is alt-right tier garbage
Alt right is completely dead and Spencer is a faggot
Sam Woodward?
Check out @gaywonk’s Tweet:
Alt-Right Nibbas: Fucking jews control the world. Let's do something about it
Also Alt-Right nibbas: Let's vote for the most pro-israel president ever.
imagine thinking donald trump isnt a zionist shill
The game was rigged from the beginning by (((them)))
Fucking BASED, I listen to Nordic Frontier all the time, and shill it hardcore
Is this an official server?
No, it's a fed honeypot and your IP is logged
Of course it's official, dumbass
Lmao I'm using a VPN for one
I'm asking because I remember the old official NRM server getting shoah'd
At the time the VA and TWP got shoah'd
Edited out my rude comment to comply with server rules, even though it was just bants
@Goffe @Deleted User @Suecorum Rex,-5 help repair swastika flag on the bottom right thats being turned anarcho commie pls, me and a few other guys are already doing this
@Deleted User theres some cunt with like 10 bots on it
dont bother
gets fixed every 30 minutes
Heil Gebelezis !