Message from @Mikko
Discord ID: 491671864251252761
Emil Maurice was Jewish too
The alt right lacks action or boots on the ground
Very true
the alt-right is impotent to make any real change
It is essentially a internet movement
they only talk
The alt right needs to realize they are just an internet movement, and a fighter in the cultural war for sure, by not an IRL movement
They have already realised it
Since they abandoned the idea of charlottesville
But the alt right is holding a bunch of racially aware people slavery to their podcasts, for that I do have a real problem with the alt right
With that traction they could have started something great
but they instead forced it under a mat of podcasts and echochambers
Agreed, we all agree fundamentally. But the alt right does bring people one step closer to the truth. Normalizing some of our ideals
only the few get through the alt right bullshit
The overton window thing is a copout. If the idea is to move it to as far right as possible, the fastest and most effective way to do that is be as radical as possible. Look at Iraq for example: When ISIS came to the scene, it made Al-Qaida look positively quaint, organization that had been considered The Most Evil Group Ever.
fucking discard it
my man @Deleted User
Hello goyims.
A goy can never be a National Socialist - James Mason
My apologies for purity spiralling
Never apologize for purity spiraling, it is obligatory.
Zero tolerance.
A lot of the guys who are associated with the Liftwaffe podcast identify themselves as alt right
And if you want to hear an extreme podcast, the war room was/is an alt right podcast by veterans. Marines and rangers talking about RaHoWa
More well armed than any of us
The 2024 us presidential election will be the spark that ignites racial and or civil war in America
If you have not noticed they are rather close to a second civil war
I sure fucking hope so
I hope they have cells ready
And SIEGE does not apply in Estonia. Sorry, but it simply does not. The culture of American "white nationalism" in the 80's and Estonia in 2018 simply cannot be compared
White nationalists and the US fed gov (infinite in power and strength) have been at war for over a century
Have they now?