Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 491679279634055194
we should dress in all black, arm ourselves and go beat crackheads in lasnamäe @Deleted User @Mikko
I think NO leafletted like once almost a year back and that's about that. I know a bunch siegeleafs, but they dont really have a group.
@Deleted User You know what we'll do there 😏
Yeah, i more converse with people trying to fight the culture war, and ofc a few other Fascist/Nat soc's though there have not been as many meet up's as I would like
Some, at least?
Canada is in dire need of a SIEGE group. Someone needs to step up
This land is so beautiful and worth fighting for. The climate is very much like that of Northern Europe
Yeah there have been meet ups
Took these while skiing
Some group or just a band of internet comrades?
Right now it's just a band of internet comrades, the good thing is the bad thing, they are not low quality people, but high quality, but then they feel they have too much to lose
Me having pretty much zero IRL comrades means the most I can expose my power level IRL is a pro trump conservative
And he's a fucking kike shill
I know the feeling brother
You have my sympathy. I never hide my power level, it's a matter of principle.
Must be easy to do that in Europe
Slave genes are real and there is zero open carry or conceal carry of any weapon in Canada
Only cops and criminals can carry a weapon in public
Well not in Europe too.
Can't carry basically anywhere I think
Bunch of runaway obsolete farm equipment, low iq and high testosterone is a dangerous combo
And they have 3 times the kids we have
South Africa is by far the worst off
But next up is England, and then Australia and NZ, but then its us
We have much better firearm laws than England and Australia and NZ which makes us better off
But nowhere but in America and perhaps Switzerland are our people so well armed
UK is legally probably worst off in white world excluding Russia. You can get years in jail for putting up a sticker, they steal your newborn kid if you posted in Moonman meme group, absolute clownworld.
And I do mean /our people/
Ukraine too
Ukraine is practically saved
At least us Finns have second most guns in Europe after the Swiss, I think
Ukraine is probably in best position in Europe.
Thousands of
armed nazis.
I think this may be relevant to your discussion