Message from @Bravos

Discord ID: 544575758698545152

2019-02-11 17:41:04 UTC  

Chastity is important moreso today than ever before

2019-02-11 17:42:01 UTC  

because women cannot pairbond as effectively after having multiple sexual partners

2019-02-11 17:42:39 UTC  

Sexual liberation of women gives women power over men, and can select men with their values

2019-02-11 17:43:11 UTC  

basically I have slippery slope arguments

2019-02-11 17:43:15 UTC  

You might talk about the current stiuation but it's not relevant for the concept of national socialism

2019-02-11 17:43:33 UTC  

this would not apply in national socialist state

2019-02-11 17:44:48 UTC  

In that environment social pressure would keep people from being promiscuous

2019-02-11 17:44:51 UTC  

I don't fully disagree with you, but I don't think this as black or white honestly

2019-02-11 17:44:57 UTC  

at least openly

2019-02-11 17:45:51 UTC  

having several sexual partners isn't bad per say

2019-02-11 17:46:00 UTC  

that's some christian thought

2019-02-11 17:46:36 UTC  

I'm not Christian but, as long as women are controlled it shouldn't be a problem

2019-02-11 17:46:43 UTC  

it's not something to strive for, but it's not wrong in itself, and lets not make this a circle argument.. I get what you mean with attachment

2019-02-11 17:47:05 UTC  

So what about single mothers?

2019-02-11 17:47:24 UTC  

Single mothers . . .

2019-02-11 17:47:41 UTC  

They chose a bad man or they drove a good man out

2019-02-11 17:48:02 UTC  

assuming he didn't die

2019-02-11 17:48:31 UTC  

These unfortunates I would use as a warning to society

2019-02-11 17:48:54 UTC  

They would have to rely upon charity

2019-02-11 17:48:57 UTC  

It's acceptable in national socialism, it's not morally wrong

2019-02-11 17:49:38 UTC  

If I had to choose, even the weak among my people would have to be discouraged

2019-02-11 17:50:02 UTC  

I would not encourage the behavior that results in single mothers by rewarding those that had a part in it

2019-02-11 17:51:10 UTC  

Even White people are capable of degeneracy, I believe in eugenics whole heartedly

2019-02-11 17:51:11 UTC  

*"It is self-evident that the total state views marriage as the foundation of the family and engages itself with all emphasis for the protection of marriage. But it demands just as empathetically the respect for the nation's life-will and hence respect for the will for child in every congenitally healthy woman. In other words: for the nation, the congenitally healthy child of an unmarried woman is infinitely more valuable than a cretin, who has resulted from a marriage “blessed” by all churches. For the nation, an unmarried mother, who in defiance of all moral and bourgeois-social inhibitions happily affirms her child, is preferable to a married woman who intentionally excludes herself from the blessing of children or is even only without blame infertile. The total state, in its population policy as well, looks at the whole while morality sees only the portion, the exterior. Moralists see in this realisation and demand of the total state the danger of a loosening of morals, of a degeneration, perhaps even of an intentional immorality. But that they in their morality, for example downright demand abortion, they do not want to admit. But instead, they like to preach “abstinence”. They thereby place themselves under the shadow of the cross, which combats life-will itself and in its radicalism demands the dying out of the “sinful” drive for life."*
- Kurt Eggers

2019-02-11 17:51:51 UTC  

*"Total state demands empathetically the respect for the nation's life-will and hence respect for the will for child in every congenitally healthy woman. In other words: for the nation, the congenitally healthy child of an unmarried woman is infinitely more valuable than a cretin, who has resulted from a marriage “blessed” by all churches. For the nation, an unmarried mother, who in defiance of all moral and bourgeois-social inhibitions happily affirms her child, is preferable to a married woman who intentionally excludes herself from the blessing of children or is even only without blame infertile."*
- Kurt Eggers

2019-02-11 17:52:59 UTC  

having children is far more important than whether the mother raises the child alone or not

2019-02-11 17:53:14 UTC  

in a national socialist state, the state would help raising the child as well

2019-02-11 17:53:27 UTC  

At this point I agree with the demographics problem

2019-02-11 17:53:41 UTC  

but in the future, I want the best to breed the most

2019-02-11 17:54:07 UTC  

Yeah, you can't have "SS" soldiers marry every woman they breed with

2019-02-11 17:54:32 UTC  

so the mother has to be single, but the child will be brought up by the SS together with the mother

2019-02-11 17:55:39 UTC  

I don't think I'm for marriage in all cases

2019-02-11 17:56:08 UTC  

but marriage still has to be seen as an institution that is sacred so that men will contribute to society

2019-02-11 17:56:15 UTC  

for their women

2019-02-11 17:56:18 UTC  

and children

2019-02-11 17:56:30 UTC  


2019-02-11 17:56:54 UTC  

I mean why wouldn't they do that without marriage

2019-02-11 17:57:43 UTC  

Marriage is an agreement so that the woman will be taken care of in her old age
It is also an agreement so that the man owns her sexuality

2019-02-11 17:57:47 UTC

This is a good article by Goebbels about morals

2019-02-11 17:58:14 UTC  

@Bravos you need to drop your christian mindset it's not what national socialism is about

2019-02-11 17:59:05 UTC  

I understand where you're coming from, and your goals are righteous but it's not national socialist to think in christian morality