Message from @O.Staaf
Discord ID: 547522422027583508
You can work against jewish supremacy together with white people. In an ideal world the two peoples could live separately and in their own natural way. If you prove yourself in the struggle against the jewish supremacy, you will be regarded in a much more positive light and honor-citizenship may be granted at the discretion of a future state.
@Völkisch Arabic (NS) Tell the white people (and Arabs I guess, why not) you know about white replacement and globalism. Donate to NMR.
@Exitus , to be honest it would be easier with the Arabs that I know (not wannabe ghettos).
The whites that I know on the other hand are too naive to understand the situation in Europe. The nordic population is intelligent, strong and good looking but highly naive and not so politically woke.
<:heil:449290177316388874> <:nrm:449290177236434954> <:swas:449290177333035028> <:ss:449290177785888768> <:hang:449290175508512778> <:oyvey:449213130262708224>
Teach them, maybe they'll listen more to you than someone of their own. You can also contribute to us in other ways than money. You can write for Nordfront, you can discuss for our sake online. You can do journalistic research or digging or a binding stories anything that could be useful to us
If you prove your dedication you might be a part of us although not full member but it's all about trust and accepting your place within the movement
Based immigrant
The Chad NS Arab Pagan vs The Virgin SD Voter
Deport neger
Post music to <#449940337306370051>
"Once you win the war"
just go home now
if you don't plan on doing something actively
although I rather see you here than some non NS shitskin
Your monocle SS fetishm is false
So how is calling a non-white a shitskin not NS?
So using epithets for you isn't NS because of that? RACE is above all else
You have the physical race, the spiritual race and character
all are intertwined yet not the same, but still connected
you shouldn't say you are a strasserist
if i wasnt white id have no clue what to do
leaving is a good start 🤷🏻
you don't understand, strasserists are more despised than most
what about baathists
none are true NS
but still
yeah, sadly we lost that aryan soil long ago
it's pan-arabic
they didn't just copy it straight over
strasserists are seen as traitors
and backstabbers
well true, but yemen is niggerfied
as is a lot of the arabic penninsula
due to the extensive trade and long history it has had with Africa, yemen has a lot of negroid dna in it's population