Message from @Pfc Scorpion GSF 🦂
Discord ID: 809535341458751509
Glad Warfuck is getting shit on
You associate with shit, you become shit
Little Marco us a RINO too!
What a day everything that could go wrong did go wrong
Have a beer and it'll improve ok?
Yeah my brother tested positive for COVID and the health department called said I had to quarantine for seven days so I got sent home from work until they see a negative COVID test and my drill broke down early this morning so we was out in the rain and sleet working on it until I got sent home
Ugh! Hope you and your brother are okay. Well, try to relax and enjoy the forced time off...I am sure you deserve a break! Just sucks that ot is not on tour terms.
Tour = your
Me and my old man just got over the Wu-flu. I gave a big middle finger to the health dept when they called to do contact tracing...none of their business where I go and who I see!
I refuse to wear a mask an not one person said a word to me today.
I said the same thing to them on the phone but my job didn’t want to chance me infecting other workers
Well I added a few choice words I felt had to be said to them cause they are taking this shit a little bit to far
I get your lively hood...I actually quit when they made masks mandatory at my work. They need a turnover from me so they me stay on the full 2 weeks without a mask.
I few complained and I said fire me...I'll collect unemployment for the first time in my life. I'm incoragable and encouragable! Lol
Well hell...listen to Scorpion have a beer!
General being mentioned at the frikkin impeachment trial is NOT a good thing folks. That's as high as you can go. Where did they get that quote? Feds are gonna be up all of our assess with a pineapple now. And not honestly either. They're coming for us. However they can.
All can be just coincidence but the other forum going down, that cia/fbi guy wanting in, new forum down, general in impeachment...too much coincidence I hope
Sorry, I couldn't see where I was pointing the camera but you can clearly hear the audio.
By the way BigDog, I deleted your name, job you do and location from some twitter info posted in December
Been complaining all week and trolling our info
I don't understand how you were able to delete it if you were not the person who posted it. Please explain.
I complained that it violated rules. While they investigate it was taken down
I'll see if it's back up, I just searched iii% security force
Oh, okay, taken down. That has a different meaning. Thank you sir. I have registered complaints also.
Yeah. I made the list
This person has our whole name because I'm on it
They are using real names beside code names
Oh sorry
The new forum isn't down.
Can't get in....check your personal signal NOW please
Is the new forum up and finished
I can't get in forum, it says denied
Yes. Someone with admin privileges has messed up permissions. Trying to fix now.
It's back up.