Message from @LCpl Honey_Badger ✝
Discord ID: 812293383056916491
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Meanwhile on Lake Erie
Lol, so funny!
😂 🤣 😂 🤣
Parris Island implements anti-extremism training following order from Pentagon:
It is a spiritual war of good against evil! Pray for us all!
Protecting Your Gun Rights: Congresswoman Greene Introduces Gun Owner Privacy Act
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) delivered again for Americans and the Second Amendment by introducing the Gun Owner Privacy Act (GOPA). This pro-gun legislation ensures that gun ownership is not monitored and logged by the federal government, and provides legal recourse by allowing damages to be collected by citizens whose rights have been violated.
As Democrats in Congress push for registration and licensing of firearms with H.R. 127, GOPA will prohibit such a gun control scheme by providing legal protections for Americans. The Gun Owner Privacy Act (GOPA) prevents the government from unlawfully compiling and storing data from background checks on gun owners.
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene issued the following statement:
“The right to keep and bear arms is a God-given right protected by the Constitution. I'm proud to stand up and defend against threats to our Second Amendment rights in Congress. That's what the people of Northwest Georgia sent me to do.
The Gun Owner Privacy Act protects the right to keep and bear arms by preventing the Feds from collecting data to monitor and log gun ownership in America. This legislation will give Americans legal recourse and the ability to sue the Feds and collect damages for records illegally stored.
Privacy is critical to every free nation, but currently Democrats in Congress with the backing of the White House have introduced legislation (H.R. 127) which would strip that right of privacy and make gun owners targets of a tyrannical government."
Congressmen Scott Perry (PA-10) and Thomas Massie (KY-4) have joined Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) as cosponsors of GOPA.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene1023 Longworth HOBWashington, DC 20515 by [email protected]
She’s amazing
She's trying
I'm on her update list. Get shit all the time but this one is good
What did you misspell?? I saw nothing... After tonight,,, you are my hero!!!
I got just one thing on the vaccination!!! Coming in a minute
Remove from what
I’m looking around. Something is strange.
Good morning Fam. It's finally Friday! Let's not forget that there's totalitarian assholes like this bitch still floating around amongst us, celebrating America's destruction.
She needs to be fired.
....and so it begins.
Why didn't they arrest the other woman for ACTUAL trespass? All of this was called long ago. It's actually happening. Absolute insanity!!!
Good morning. This is crazy!
She held her composure way berry better than I would have. She better do something...I don't know what route she should take....but this is....ugh. There isn't a good enough adjective. This shit had got to stop. It's got to be used as an example. I was shocked when I saw that it was Florida. My head is still spinning. Like....are they going to visit every home in the state warning people that crime is.....criminal? Lol.
After reading this article, it shows that prepping for disasters is good. I didn't used to be a prepper until this damn virus hit. But now I'm glad I started prepping for whatever may happen 2 to 4 months worth of things
Plus, I don't have to go to tge store that much so I stay away from strange people 😄 😄 😄
I want your information about this picture I'm going to post. Negative comments are not what I'm looking for. I WANT TO KNOW IF THIS PICTURE IS AN ENDORSEMENT OR NOT! So please tell me if you think this is an endorsement.
Yes or no answers only please
Endorsement for BLM, or the administration.....or voter fraud....
Is blm endorsing the administration
Of course.
Here's the deal....blm is a 501c3...they are not allowed to endorse any political party..Political campaign activity. A nonprofit organization may not financially support or endorse any political candidates verbally or in writing. They may not oppose candidates either. This rule applies to candidates at every level — local, state and federal.
This can be cause to lose their 501c3
Now, I just need to compile a writing to get them to lose their 501c3 status. Any help and advice would be helpful
This is a start