Message from @LCpl Honey_Badger ✝
Discord ID: 812517257866379294
That's the first time I've seen the Finicum footage. He sacrificed himself. Damn.
Watching a Waco documentary right now. It's been a while. Thanks Dog Soldier. 👍☕🇺🇸
Unexpected day off so I'm sitting on my rear end. Tv and homeschooling.
Now I'm on to Ruby Ridge.
First, I'm reporting their info to get them to lose their 501c3, in an unidentifiable way. Then unidentifiable way to report to media if not satisfied with the other
Love it!
Name and address of blm leader
I made the letter and emailed it to IRS for reporting charity's. Now we wait
My writing got me A's in university. We shall see
FCC dumped me. Tried twice now to get back on but could not.
Video is probably limiting bandwidth
Finally got back on after restarting my phone.
You have to be set up for these events seriously so you have auxiliary heT source lighting generator communications,
Seen this
Now that I’m not worried about the tenderness of the meat,,, I going for the biggest “bull buck blue gum” I can get!!!
How Arlington Came to Be
Didn't the Union accept the Southern States, known as the Confederate States, back into the Union, which made them all The United States? If, this indeed happened, would they not have also accepted their dead? If they don't want Confederate soldiers at Arlington, then wouldn't they need to recognize the Confederate States, even after the war was over, and allow them to have a Confederate National Cemetery? And to errect monuments in honor of those who fought for the Confederate States. As you well know, Confederate Monuments have been removed or torn down or otherwise desicrated, dishonoring the memory of brave, fallen soldiers. I hope they are not even considering for one second, the removal of Confederate Soldiers. They might as well remove the Southern States, if they do. Then, we could honor our brave, fallen soldiers, without interference.
Confederate Memorial at Arlington
Tucker Carlson tonight!! Systemic racism bulldung
Geeez Blood boils watching it!!! You wouldn’t think they’d want us out there running around with nothing left to lose!!!
Fuck with our Forefathers and we take your ass out. The South shall rise again! Mutha Fuckers
😆 😆
It's just a way to control people. Nothing different than a communist country controlling It's people...Biden is a communist