Message from @Sgt. CottonMouth GSF III%
Discord ID: 830083591785807894
Damn Skippy, just shaved my 3 week goatee
I’ve had a beard for 7 years. I don’t even remember what I look like without one
Looked like a damn goat from hell
I tried last November I was like fuckit man I was scratching like a dog with mange🤣🤣
You got a man level 12 beard lol
Lmao, I’m still trying to level up more
I did grow a mustache once and I cut it Hitler style lol my wife got pissed
That’s pretty awesome tho 😂
I was walking around house talking like Eric cartman Hitler lol
Lol fuzzy wuzzy had a pistol
My boy likes pistols toooooo
Lol that thing looks huge in his hand 😂
It's been in our family for 40 yrs Stephenville Mac 10 select fire 45 acp
It looks old!
That’s awesome tho man
Pops had it in a box for 20 years it started to rust I freshened it up
Lol cottonmouth the gun is back in TX in one of the safes out on the ranch now back home
Well, I forgot the ammo anyway
Your not gonna be able to properly PEW
PEW PEW PEW PEW 🤣🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👉🤯
It's just funny
Hell yeah
She's a BLM co-founder living in $1.5 million dollar home in a white neighborhood
Lol blm black lives money
LCpl Honey Badger Checking in at GAs FTX. GUNS ALL THE FUCKING WAY UP.
Are we having comms tonight?
How far is the Ga FTX from Biloxi?, I wouldn’t mind driving over to check it out
7 hours
Could be less
Roger that anyone have a landmark in close proximity they can send me so I can map it ?