Message from @ray liotta private select

Discord ID: 810230539947606026

2021-02-12 21:59:59 UTC  

New to this server.. I was wondering if there's a channel for networking, resume advice, etc.?

2021-02-12 22:02:43 UTC  

no, not at the moment. you can use the <#801170187234967583> box to suggest the new channel

we also have multiple hobbies channels, so you might run until somebody that can help you out

2021-02-13 04:48:59 UTC  

Ehat do i need for meme role

2021-02-13 04:50:13 UTC  

I believe that's in <#801170119182254080> , but essentially show a higher up staff member proof of your memes, and if you want memelord, you need to win MOTW

2021-02-13 04:50:43 UTC  

Can u do it

2021-02-13 04:51:22 UTC  
2021-02-13 04:52:47 UTC  

Contact an admin after reading whatever stuff you need to in <#801170119182254080> and <#801170121258303498>

2021-02-13 04:52:51 UTC  

no I think it has to be Froski or another Admin/SR Mod

2021-02-13 04:54:02 UTC  

Yeah an admin. The admin position handles roles like that

2021-02-13 04:54:11 UTC  


2021-02-13 04:55:56 UTC  

I’m dumb. I thought you were trying to correct me lol. Had me confused a minute

2021-02-13 04:57:04 UTC  

No lol you good

2021-02-13 18:51:11 UTC  

Are members who have been banned in the past unable to ever become Zeducated? Or members who have like a record.

2021-02-13 18:51:38 UTC  


2021-02-13 18:51:58 UTC  

It all depends, so far I can only remember one person who had a record become a zed, and thats Kaladin

2021-02-13 18:53:33 UTC  

i don't think so. some staff members were also a bit of a troublemaker in the past and they are here, so

2021-02-13 18:53:52 UTC  

Alright thanks.

2021-02-13 19:25:31 UTC  

So like are pineapple pizza memes gonna just be deleted, frowned upon, or are they kick/bannable offenses now?

2021-02-13 19:26:31 UTC  

no, we aren't gonna start deleting them for featuring pineapple pizza. but we shall put <:BadMeme:801146646695510098> or <:YouSuck:806133401085673503> on the ones that are not funny or good

2021-02-13 19:26:53 UTC  

Then delete those if our public shaming doesn't work

2021-02-13 19:26:54 UTC  

Oh ok

2021-02-13 19:26:59 UTC  


2021-02-13 19:27:05 UTC  

Is that true or a joke

2021-02-13 19:27:30 UTC  

I’m not good at recognizing if text is sarcastic or not

2021-02-13 19:28:57 UTC  

@ray liotta private select Lol no we won't delete them or anything as long as the aren't in <#801170173985554452>. If they're in <#801170177902772254> then that's fine, but memes in <#801170173985554452> need to fit the channel description.

2021-02-13 19:29:18 UTC  

Ok lol thanks

2021-02-13 21:59:27 UTC  


2021-02-13 22:02:48 UTC  

Is that a serious question or are you simply excited?

2021-02-13 22:03:48 UTC  


2021-02-13 22:03:55 UTC  

does that mean discord is off our backs now

2021-02-13 22:04:02 UTC  


2021-02-13 22:04:06 UTC  

fat rip

2021-02-13 22:05:39 UTC  

We are slowly bringing things back but we still have to follow suit with Discord's guidelines.

2021-02-13 22:05:52 UTC  

mmmmm yes

2021-02-13 22:05:54 UTC  


2021-02-13 22:05:56 UTC  


2021-02-13 22:05:58 UTC  


2021-02-14 01:49:58 UTC  

I periodically forget this exists and have never once answered a question here 😂

2021-02-14 03:11:48 UTC  


2021-02-14 08:27:13 UTC  

Hi. Just joined up and happy to be here. I was wondering if I could get a link or something for the background music in the you laugh you lose videos?

2021-02-14 08:37:34 UTC  

@ActerTvvaT The <#801170187234967583> chat is for suggesting things around here, Use this chat to ask :)
I know it's a royalty free song... I'm not sure which exactly, but I'm sure another mod knows. Sorry I'm no able to help at the moment :(