Message from @Froski

Discord ID: 819943487436095508

2021-03-08 01:44:10 UTC  


2021-03-08 01:44:16 UTC  


2021-03-08 01:44:48 UTC  


2021-03-08 02:09:40 UTC  

Are there any specific formats to follow in meme creation? Also, is there an easy way to check for copyright on pictures?

2021-03-08 02:14:58 UTC  

what do you mean "a specific format" for meme creation? are you looking to create some original memes and need some advice on where to start?

for the other question: you can use the reverse search function (click on image>right click>search google for similar results). for memes, it's a bit tougher since there are variations. but for other photos (let's say, aviation or nature or food, etc.) you can get an idea of where it comes from (or if you're lucky google might bring you to the exact place the picture originates from)

generally a good rule of thumb is assume there are copyright in place and credit people where you could (this link may be helpful --,-Be%20doubly%2Dsure&,%E2%80%9CSearch%20by%20Image%E2%80%9D%20button.)

2021-03-08 02:16:33 UTC  

Thanks. I actually created a meme using powerpoint and then saving it as an image. I figure this is probably the wrong way, but I am not overly tech savvy. I will check the photos I use before posting it anywhere.

2021-03-08 02:22:10 UTC  

ah, i see

pwp can be used as a way to create a meme, of course. for memes, you don't need much

if you're on google, you can try the setting tools

2021-03-08 02:22:50 UTC  

Okay, thank you.

2021-03-08 02:22:53 UTC  

open a new tab>enter the phrase you want to search for>go to image>click "tools">"usage rights">creative commons license

2021-03-11 23:58:18 UTC  

Why is Tyler so inactive?

2021-03-11 23:59:48 UTC  

Answered in the first part of <#801170119182254080> but adding on, he's just been really busy since the purge and he's got a lot of stuff to do.

2021-03-12 00:00:04 UTC  

Not exactly sure though but that's the main answer

2021-03-12 00:00:06 UTC  

Oops, sorry, don’t see that

2021-03-12 00:00:12 UTC  

You're good 👍

2021-03-12 00:00:19 UTC  

:)) it's alright

2021-03-12 07:11:56 UTC  

Can we get a star wars meme channel?

2021-03-12 07:13:41 UTC  

that's something you should ask in <#801170187234967583>. Use the `,suggest~` command to begin, and type your message. we'll then vote on it. I don't think much will come of it, as we'd then have to make a meme channel for every franchise under the sun, but it's worth a shot, I suppose

2021-03-12 07:13:58 UTC  


although the bot is down at the moment :)) so you can submit the suggestion tomorrow

2021-03-12 14:37:08 UTC  

How long until we can suggest new channels?

2021-03-12 14:40:25 UTC  

Don't think any of us know, we'll just have to be patient with it until we are able to, possibly when we have more members like before the purge

2021-03-12 14:42:41 UTC  

You are able to suggest the channels, it will just need to be an exemplary idea for us to implement the channel. There were a lot of suggestions for us to reimplement channels we had deleted immediately after the purge, which is why that comment was added.

2021-03-12 14:43:53 UTC  

There's your better answer <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-03-12 14:44:39 UTC  


2021-03-12 14:45:27 UTC  

An admin could really only give you that, I don't know what they do with the suggestions so yeah couldn't excatly provide the best answer

2021-03-12 15:25:13 UTC  

I actually suggested a star wars meme channel a while ago, but it was voted down for being too specific, if you suggest it tho i would definitely vote in favor of it<:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-03-12 16:42:10 UTC  

Zeducated members get to vote on Suggestions?

2021-03-12 16:43:07 UTC  

yes, all the staff does, but at the end of the day, no matter what we vote, the admins get the final say. we just help them decide.

2021-03-12 16:43:57 UTC  


2021-03-12 16:44:19 UTC  

Yeah gives them an idea if it's actually worth doing, if the votes are really high then they'll think about it more rather then if no one wants it in the staff team

2021-03-12 16:46:22 UTC  

it also prevents the staff from performig a coup...

2021-03-12 16:51:33 UTC  

it does...?<:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082>

2021-03-12 17:10:58 UTC  

not really <:KEK:795742276549607456> this is a monarch and i don't think anybody on the staff are rebellious enough

2021-03-12 17:11:39 UTC  

noo... but if we *were*, we still couldn't

2021-03-12 17:30:26 UTC  

Were can I post video that are 40 second long

2021-03-12 17:30:48 UTC  

<#811972191784271903> assuming it doesn't break any other rules 🙂

2021-03-12 20:49:15 UTC  


2021-03-12 20:54:40 UTC  

*You weren't supposed to SAY anything you big goof*

2021-03-12 20:55:52 UTC  


2021-03-12 21:29:30 UTC  

Mr.Hashi just wants a cookie

2021-03-12 21:29:38 UTC  


2021-03-12 21:29:43 UTC  
